Looking for rigs w. 33", 34" or lager tires with swingouts.


Riddle me this: so, I'm getting a little weaker with this old agedness.

I just struggled to get my 33" coopers up to the swing out tire mount. Almost hurt/killed my self doing a modified weight lifting Clean and Jerk type lift o_O

What method and hardware do you all use to lift the tire and align to the mount studs?

BTW: I have the Dissent double swingout on my lifted (2"+) 100 series LC (yes, i posted on mud....no response).

yours truly......looking for 1200mg Ibuprofen in all the wrong places.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
I just pick it up- I have the same bumper on my 100. It’s not the easiest but I’ve only done it once…😆. Do you have heavy wheels/tires? Maybe for a spare get a lightweight wheel and a lighter but still correct size tire?


Well-known member
If you have roof rack or somewhere higher than your swing out you could use a small sailing block and tackle.
I made a lifting block and tackle out of these to get full Scepter cans in my side hatch. They are small, lightweight but very well made. They lift just fine.

Get one with the becket for the top pulley and one without for the bottom.

Here you go. Much simpler camper, but same principles. We were lucky in having a very stout piece of 8020 15 series extrusions bolted into the frame above the window that serves as our bed slide-out. We can easily lift the 45lbs of full Scepter with the two small double blocks…and they are really small. The cord is 4 or 5 mm. These are rated a 450lbs WLL, so no problem with big tires etc. However, if I was lifting more weight regularly, I’d likely go for a triple block. There’s plenty of those on West Marine too. The sailing world is our friend!
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my Wheel/tire combo can't be any heavier than typical 33". I'll weigh it once I take it off.

I run the off-road tire on the swingout AND run a super thin street tire (within 1/2 dia of the coopers) under the rig in the usual spare location.

Plan is to only have the offroad spare mounted for offroad/overland duty. The rest of the time (this is my dd), i have the undercarriage spare.

That way, when off-road I have spare x2.....good piece of mind w. you run with your wife way out there.

I have some ideas on how to get some mechanical advantage for the load up.

I just can't believe I'm the only one dealing with this. eagerly awaiting more input.


Some that have Max Trax or similar use them as a ramp to get the tire almost up to the height negating a lift from ground height.
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ohhhhhhh......max tracks...just don't call me slow.🛻

Interesting idea though I think my tire is mounted too high.


Well-known member
I'm hesitant to put so much weight up high.

I am aware of block & tackle. I have some ideas.......I'm an ex mech eng.....we make things difficult😬
I just mean to anchor the B&T to lift the tire to your swing out mount, not put it on the roof rack.


I could see having a telescopic pole that you could adjust to the height needed when taking the tire down and use it as a “leg or brace” to support the weight while lifting it into place.

They also make a non-threaded / smooth long stud adapter for some euro cars to install wheels more easily. A similar arrangement would be easy to get the weight into the air and supported, with fine alignment coming later.

There are also swing-down tire carriers, one could probably be adapted to swing out and then down.

There are also tire carriers with a small winch built in.

You aren’t the only one to have this problem… and it has been solved in many ways.


Rendezvous Conspirator
If I did not have a vehicle with an underbody tire winch (or my tire didn't fit there), I'd definitely be looking for some way to include a mechanical advantage. I've seen a number of tire carriers that hinged down on one axis or another, so that the spare tire can be rolled into position and just "tipped" up against the mount for fastening. Then you don't have to dead-lift the tire, just rotate it up (using a lever, if needed.)

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