Looking to buy a 1996 LC


New member
Hello all,

What do I need to take a close look at? mileage is under 200k.
Other than basic mechanical stuff and to make sure the 4wd works. Whats special or not special about a 1996?



Aventurero de la Selva
Maintenance records, rust, new or OEM head gasket. Only other warning I'd provide is expectation: FZJ80s are a very robust platform but a '96 is near 20 years old and will be approaching some major PM milestones.

That said there is a reason I own 2


Aventurero de la Selva
How can I check if its a new or oem head gasket while in the parking lot?

Good question... easy, and smart-***** answer, is to ask owner if its been replaced. Next option is visual inspection. I understand OEM color/material HG is not available in US. (this is not 100% confirmed) If that it is correct, color difference could let you know. And/or condition of head/block. If you search on 'Mud no doubt a few threads on the subject.

BTW, OEM HG is not a deal breaker, but it is a $2K + cost if you don't DIY.


New member
Thanks for the link. I can cruise autotrader all day. But what would you guys pay for a clean, no rust, 150k mile 80 series? interior is clean except for 1 rip in driver seat


New member
Then why are so many priced so much higher? Several with 250k asking $10-12. Some lower mileage asking $13+

The prices seem to be all over the place


Aventurero de la Selva
Thanks for the link. I can cruise autotrader all day. But what would you guys pay for a clean, no rust, 150k mile 80 series? interior is clean except for 1 rip in driver seat

6000-6500 without lockers in beautiful shape, immaculant shape.

Thats about right here on east coast for FZJ80. Very rare the street offers up >$10K on a stocker.

Lockers are worth +$2.5K
New HG is worth +$1.5K
Off road mods are worth 25 cents on the dollar in good condition.

But some guys throw $10K worth of mods on a truck and think it adds $10K value, they are lucky to $5K in return.

FWIW... at $10K you start to get into UZJ100 class. '98 & '99 come with factory rear and center lockers.


Renaissance Redneck
I think the head gasket issue is slightly overblown. Yes, some of them do go, but those that haven't had them replaced aren't necessarily driving around ticking time bombs either. I would look for a fairly stock truck with lots of maintenance records from a soccer mom type owner. These are rare, and getting rarer, but if you want a really nice 80 series you're going to have to be patient. And as you noticed, pricing is all over the place. Be prepared to pull the trigger quickly on a primo unit. It will be gone if you hesitate.


Aventurero de la Selva
I think the head gasket issue is slightly overblown. Yes, some of them do go, but those that haven't had them replaced aren't necessarily driving around ticking time bombs either.

Being the interwebs, where everyone can post opinions, (not to be argumentative), but I have to chime in and say couldn't disagree with you more. IMO, it is a lot less risky to change HG at one convince rather than when Murphy decides. (One of my FZ engine HGs is replaced the other is about to be) There are secondary ramifications from blowing a HG on a FZ engine that can lead to lower end rebuild too. Engines with >150K miles are prone HG failure, engines with >200K very prone to HG failure. Everyone has different risk appetite with vehicle maintenance and corrective repair. I saw buddies with EJ253 Subaru engines hedge with HG replacement and many paid dearly, ultimately requiring full long blocks.

I would look for a fairly stock truck with lots of maintenance records from a soccer mom type owner. These are rare, and getting rarer, but if you want a really nice 80 series you're going to have to be patient. And as you noticed, pricing is all over the place. Be prepared to pull the trigger quickly on a primo unit. It will be gone if you hesitate.

This I fully agree with! If you find a well maintained one, in the color you like, don't go home to "think about it"

Nice to see we share common interest in UZJ, Redthies, its the most reliable truck I've ever owned. (looks like you are surfer too?)


New member
Thanks for the information guys. The one I had my eye on has a little too much rust for me. I will keep looking.

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