Hi Nathan
I am 49 and have travelled over 1,500,000 km in Africa and I often meet travellers visiting a place BUT there are very few, I would guess les than 10 folks who organise and embark on expeditions. There are so few rules in Africa and this lends itself to exploration, negotiate with the village chief (yes the villages north of South Africa are still governed by chiefs
) and you have permission to explore.
I have heard about 2 things that are next on my list...
1. There is a WW II shipwreck in the swamps up the east coast and I have heard that it is very well preserved BUT very difficult to get to. So this is on the cards once we have done more research.
2. I was contacted about the legend of a sink hole in Botswana where, legend tells that an explorer with a wagon and oxen fell into the hole and could not get out. He lived in the hole for some years eating animals that fell into the hole and drinking water from a spring. He was rescued by bushmen years later and it is said that the sinkhole still has the remains of his wagon. So I want to find it.
I think one needs to differentiate between Expeditions and Adventures. Expeditions are going where no one has gone before - or at least for the last 50/100 years and looking for something, documenting something or exploring something. Adventures mean roughing it but going to places frequented by others.
My five cents worth.