Ta Da!
And just like that, Lowly rumbled into our lives.
The fellas at AutoPort determined (with a little prompting from me) that an empty diesel tank was the culprit. I'm guessing the truck never got the fuel I requested when it was transported from the caravan park to the Port of Bristol back in the UK; it had just enough to drive onto the RORO and back out to its parking spot in Halifax. They called in an onsite mechanic who ended up being British (thanks Mike) and knew the ins-n-outs of this sort of vehicle/operation. They apparently got enough cranks out of those new batteries to drive the hydraulic pump, tilt the cab and access the manually operated priming pump. A 1/4 tank of diesel, some priming, a bit of prayer, and Bob's Your Uncle!
After pulling up to the front office, British Mike gave me a quick tutorial on how to operate the tilt-a-cab feature both manually and with power assist, as well as pointing out the cab-down, barely accessible battery terminal and the priming pump procedure.
One signature later and I officially took possession of Lowly the Lorry.
First impression: this truck is bigger/higher/stouter than I imagined.
Second impression: the inside of the cab feels like the flight deck of a 747 with all of its toggle switches, knobs and buttons.
Third impression: jeepers, we really just might pull off this crazy scheme of ours!
Spent about 15 minutes getting acquainted with the inside of the truck before rumbling out of the parking lot and onto the roads of North America. A big thanks to EXPO member mog who let me climb into the cab of his MB ex fire tender back in Oregon, pointing out some of the subtle yet critical switches (foot kill switch, foot start switch, parking brake, etc.). Without that quick tutorial I would have been up a creek!
Drove it through the driving rain of a winter Atlantic storm out to the Halifax airport where I now sit using free wifi and wait for my dad to arrive from Palm Springs; lets hope he made his connections!
- Sheik
PS: got a call from the airline a couple minutes before Lowly rolled up informing me that my checked bag finally arrived at Halifax. I get to wear clean underwear tomorrow - hallelujah and amen!