Let the story begin!
We just pulled the trigger on a MB 1120 4x4 Incident Response Vehicle at an auction in Wales, UK with the intent to turn it into a motorhome for an adventuring family.
We dub the truck "Lowly the Lorry".

I hope to adequately record the upcoming madness for the benefit of those who are curious at just how many screw-ups a crazy scheme like this can produce. I'll be the first to admit that this project may not ultimately succeed, but I figure it is worth a try to create some memories, give me more gray hair and serve as another money pit.
I'm currently jumping thru the hoops of transferring money, obtaining insurance, locating a parking/storage facility & relocating the vehicle from the auction house property to storage via email and an 8 hour time difference. Let the insanity begin! If anyone out there has experience doing this sort of thing who would shower me with hints/advice/suggestions, I'm waiting with soap-in-hand.
Cry for help #1: is there anyone in the EXPO universe located near the Cardiff or Bristol area of the UK who has a place to park a lorry like this for a short/medium term while I get my head wrapped around exactly how and where we are going to convert this beast.
Stay tuned, this could be better than daytime television!
- Sheik
We just pulled the trigger on a MB 1120 4x4 Incident Response Vehicle at an auction in Wales, UK with the intent to turn it into a motorhome for an adventuring family.
We dub the truck "Lowly the Lorry".

I hope to adequately record the upcoming madness for the benefit of those who are curious at just how many screw-ups a crazy scheme like this can produce. I'll be the first to admit that this project may not ultimately succeed, but I figure it is worth a try to create some memories, give me more gray hair and serve as another money pit.
I'm currently jumping thru the hoops of transferring money, obtaining insurance, locating a parking/storage facility & relocating the vehicle from the auction house property to storage via email and an 8 hour time difference. Let the insanity begin! If anyone out there has experience doing this sort of thing who would shower me with hints/advice/suggestions, I'm waiting with soap-in-hand.
Cry for help #1: is there anyone in the EXPO universe located near the Cardiff or Bristol area of the UK who has a place to park a lorry like this for a short/medium term while I get my head wrapped around exactly how and where we are going to convert this beast.
Stay tuned, this could be better than daytime television!
- Sheik
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