LP gas: do I need a separate regulator for each appliance?


I tried to search but couldn't find much info on this. I have an undermout LP tank. I am running a 2 stage regulator right off the tank to a LP hose through a hole in the floor. I have 3 appliances (each low pressure) branched off of that. For the most part I should only be running one appliance at once, but if I wanted to, could I say, run my heater and my stove-top at the same time with only the one regulator?


Yep, one regulator just like any RV and you can run multiple ones at the same time. I've cooked plenty of times with the furnace running.


To Infinity and Beyond!
My house only has one pressure regulate as does my RV.

I built my home 18 years ago and installed a 2# gas pressure regulator before every natural gas appliance.

At the time many said this was overkill and NOW that's the building code where I live.

A trailer runs on propane and a home "generally" on natural gas therefore there can be some pressure differences between the two given the length of piping and appliances.

On a small trailer you should be fine with one propane gas regulator if as recommended above all the gas appliances have the same operating pressure rating.


Add up all the BTU ratings and make sure the regulator can flow enough BTU. One good regulator can do it. Undersize the regulator and things won't work, the regulator will be the choke point and not flow enough. Oversizing a regulator isn't a problem, but undersizing one is. Undersize it too much and it won't even be able to run a single appliance effectively.

Line size also matters. Low pressures will choke on small plumbing, and long line runs.


Thanks for the responses!

Anyone know how I can connect a hose to my Camp Chef Oven without using their regulator? There is a giant pin sticking out of the connection on the back of the oven...


Thanks for the responses!

Anyone know how I can connect a hose to my Camp Chef Oven without using their regulator? There is a giant pin sticking out of the connection on the back of the oven...
You will need to buy an adapter that allows you to hook a delivery hose up to the oven. It sounds like your oven is set up to accept the green 1 Lbs bottles. The adapter can be found on Amazon as well as Ebay.

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