LR3/4 3rd Row Window Replacement


New member
Browsing through Expedition Portal's look back at Expo West and being reminded of how nice side access to the rear storage area is on a truck, I was wondering if anyone had ever run across a product to replace the non operable 3rd row windows on the LR3/4's with an access hatch or other storage solution. I cant imagine demand is incredibly high considering a lot of these vehicles are still in the hands of suburban mothers, but if anyone has seen anything I'd appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.

Examples of what I'm trying to explain:

RLD Designs Truck topper
Front Runner Defender Gullwing hatch


I do know what you are after as I a also after that, but consider the antenna that is in the window. How are you going to get around that issue? I have resigned myself to not having an openable side window as none are available yet. Just one more thing to spend my $$$ on.


I too was thinking about something like this for the LR3. Those windows are wasted space (except for the antennas for sure).

Saw a fitted molle panel insert for the third row window for FourRunners while at the expo. Since we sleep in the back of our Rover with a nice memoryfoam mattress, I was considering making some panels that would fit on the inside of the windows for small storage of items and easy retrieval—though I haven’t researched if this is already available.

Not quite as slick as access from the outside, but reachable by just opening the back hatch and reaching in. Might be a thought?


MOLLE in the windows could be done by going custom. As I've thought of it I considered a gray man tactical panel as the base-truth be told fitting it to the window shape looks slick but in terms of utility for MOLLE it is not all that useful.

I love the idea of the window opening but do think it would be $$$


New member
I dont hate the idea of Molle panels inside. Antennas are pretty easy (a cursory google search doesnt tell me which antenna it is though) so I might swing by a fabricator near me and talk over some options.


Active member
What I would really like more is a replacement for the roof glass. Metal would suit me fine.

Glass roof is quite rare in Australia, even on the HSE. Where in the US, because they were going for the lux market every 3/4 came with it. The LR3 I have here in the US I don't think could have bought it in Aus in the same spec. When I was looking to move back to Aus I couldn't find one in similar spec.


Molle panels are a bit pricey but peg board with footman loops pop riveted to them are not and you can place the loops anywhere.


I dont hate the idea of Molle panels inside. Antennas are pretty easy (a cursory google search doesnt tell me which antenna it is though) so I might swing by a fabricator near me and talk over some options.
It is the AM/FM antenna.

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