LR3/4 Prospeed or Front RunnerLadder

I'm planning on buying a FR roof rack and ladder in February. Wonder if there are any mitigation steps prior to installing?

Can't help you on the ladder but I'll put together a hardware list for you and publish it for the rack. I replaced everything with stainless high grade and it was worth the cost. The rack itself is awesome and aluminum so you have to be cautious and not throw heavy sharp objects around cuz you can gauge it but other than that, I absolutely love it.

I highly recommend the stainless hardware upgrade. FR may have one now but not sure, I did it myself after the fact.


I like the stainless hw idea and will do that. What I am wondering is if the powder coating on the ladder is poor and/or pourus perhaps it can be sealed up better with a product.


I understand the rack is aluminum. I was referring to the ladder. The issue with the noisy rack is the buffeting between the horizontal slats. I was thinking of some type of wind deflector possible with integrated solar to mitigate wind and charge my house battery. Still working on the design.
I like the stainless hw idea and will do that. What I am wondering is if the powder coating on the ladder is poor and/or pourus perhaps it can be sealed up better with a product.

The HW is a great mitigation step. The entire FR rack is aluminum with exception of the hardware. Also, with stainless, there is a gauling affect so be careful and use antiseize on the threads before install. Many times, steel goes right from weld, to media blast to powder coat. Ideally, there should be a zinc dip for galvanized or other treatments and such and most areas rust near the welds or spray to help rid any imperities on the metal. Also also prep it for whatever top coat (paint, powdercoat, etc...) with a degreaser numerous times. Although it will not completely remove the possibility of rust, it will greatly reduce its chances. I think everything is in the prep before coating and I'm not sure what most companies are doing but I would expect it should be better than rust after only a year!


FWIW I have one of the non-branded (assuming chinese/taiwan) knock off of the OEM ladder. A few other guys have the same one. No rust issues, surprisingly good stuff. Basically the same as OEM but the bottom step doesn't say Land Rover.


New member
Can't help you on the ladder but I'll put together a hardware list for you and publish it for the rack. I replaced everything with stainless high grade and it was worth the cost. The rack itself is awesome and aluminum so you have to be cautious and not throw heavy sharp objects around cuz you can gauge it but other than that, I absolutely love it.

I highly recommend the stainless hardware upgrade. FR may have one now but not sure, I did it myself after the fact.

Replying to this old thread but I am awaiting the delivery of a new Front Runner Slimline II for my LR3 and was wondering if you ever put together a list of replacement stainless hardware for it? I am reading about a lot of rusty broken bolts so would like to be proactive. Thanks for any help.

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