I've got a 06 LR3 V6 (110k) for the past 4 years. Been extremely reliable and a great family hauler. It used to be maybe 2 times a year I get what sounds like a grind when starting/cranking the rig over. It always fires up but the sound always got to me. Now its happening more frequently. I even left it at a shop for a week and well it didnt do it. Its a friend of a friend type deal but hes a straight up dude. Said he started it a couple of times a day and nothing. Only figures right? I bring it home and there it is again. Was wondering if anyone had this issue with the V6. I been all over the web looking. One post on a different forum had the same issue. But no answers lol. Driving me nuts. We all know what a starter sounds like. Dont really sound like that. I plan to remove the starter when I get a chance just to confirm. Possible timing chain or tensioner? Truck runs great with decent mileage. Any V6 rover mechanics out there?