SUCCESS!!! The keys arrived today. I figured I try one at a time. Took my old, beat up, original key (that looked like the OP's key fob in the 1st post) and the uncut spare to my local Ace Hardware. Asked if they could duplicate the key cut, and the guy said he'd give it a try. At first it seemed to not quite fit into the ignition, but I took off the door lock cover and tried it in there. Had to kind of force it, but after that, it inserted easily, and then worked fine in the ignition.
The programming with the IID tool was super quick and easy (hardest part was finding the right menu to initiate the process).
New key starts the vehicle and the fob lock/unlock work fine! But I will carry both the new and old for a few weeks.
What did Ace charge you if you don't mind the question? I was thinking about going that route too but ended up doing what I did on page 1 of this thread.