LR3 park brake adjustment


Hi all, I just replaced the rear brakes on my 08' LR3. Last time I did these I never touched the parking brake and a few weeks later I had an expensive bill from the dealer as the parking brake system imploded!
This time I watched the video on Atlantic British and tried as best I could to adjust it. It says to tighten down the park brake with the adjuster fully (until the brake is fully locked on) then back off 8 "click's". Well it's tough to do exactly 8 clicks when you can't see what's going on! Anyway, I think I got it close.
However on my road test I pulled the parking brake lever and held it up. It slowly dragged me to a stop then held me in place. If I released it, started rolling again and pulled up the lever one more time then it really grabbed fast. I did this a few times. First pull of lever, slow to grab and second it grabbed hard.
Just want to get your thought's (experienced mechanics) on this. Are these "self adjusting"? Do I need to go back in and tighten it up? Just don't want another huge bill by ruining the park brake assy!


Did you check out "Bodsy's Brake Bible"? It's available as PDF download from the Disco3 forum. There is some bedding in process. I don't recall exactly, but it's well documented in that publication.


FWIW, I just followed the process in the linked brake Bible (the text of which is duplicated on the Atlantic British website) and my parking brake is now way too loose.

I was missing the rubber plugs in the rotors and the passenger side parking brake had what seemed like rubber melted /smeared on the parking brake pads and inside the drum. I cleaned that up and followed the adjustment instructions and it's way loose now.

I'll have to do it again and instead of backing off 8 clicks I will probably just back off until the drag is gone.


If you installed a new rear rotors it is advisable that you carry out the parking brake bedding in procedure like you normally wold when replacing rear EPB shoes. Normal adjustment only applies when reinstalling the same rotors. Good luck !


Atlantic British has a video on this, it is good that you did look it up.
I recently replaced the pads on the front and rear of my 07 LR3. The video was very helpful. Also You Tube has instructional videos.


If you installed a new rear rotors it is advisable that you carry out the parking brake bedding in procedure like you normally wold when replacing rear EPB shoes. Normal adjustment only applies when reinstalling the same rotors. Good luck !

No new parts. The brake wasn't holding well so I disassembled, cleaned, adjusted according to the directions and reassembled. Looser now than it was before. Maybe I screwed something up? I guess I'll try again, maybe tomorrow night. Rotor, pads and shoes all have plenty of material remaining I think.

Also I had different size nuts on the rear hubs. Directions say you'll need a 32mm socket. I didn't have metric sockets that big but I found a 1-5/16" ( or was it 1-3/8) that worked on the right side but I had to use a couple sizes bigger socket on the left hub. I thought that was very strange. Does that mean that the left side has been replaced with a non-matching part somewhere along the way?

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