They can cover huge miles with the right care.
Simple guide.
For 100k, i would expect to change or see proof that they have been done.
Autobox oil flush. Should be every 75k really. Make sure it's done! It's cheaper than a new box.
Front wheel bearings, it's heavy, they wear out. Simple to change.
Front lower arms, a clunk over bumps is the ball joints. A knock under braking is the bushes. Cut arm off and fit new one with new fixings. RRS ones are better design.
Front drop links can go. Cheap and easy to change. However, if the nuts have rusted. ( like mine were ) get a garage to do it.
Lower steering column, goes stiff as it ages. Seems to be a 05-07 thing. Easy to sort.
Rear upper arms. These wear out on the bushes, change to RRS arms as it's a better design.
Rear hub bushes. Just age and wear. Change them when you do the arms.
Rear lower arms, i've had mine done at 117k, because they were worn. I've had people who have had the uppers alone and have driven mine and wished they had done what i did.
Brake lines. Good old British stupidity ( I'm British, i'm allowed to say that

lol ) The rear lines rust and are made from steel. Change to copper.
Things to check.
Rear propshaft bearing, give it a shake as mine was shot at 121k.
Battery and alternator. They NEED a good battery and a strong alternator. They can throw all sorts of moody huffs, ( think a pregnant woman ) if one of those start to fail.
I got one at 98k, it's sitting at 128k now. I've done all the above on mine and it drives like new again. It handles really well and