Hey there. i have a 2005 LR3 with 88k miles. Bought it in Arizona and drove it back to Florida almost 2 years ago. The vehicle saw it's share of desert terrain as it was intended. It was my mother's car and she kept good care of it. Started by hearing clunking making left turns. Now it has gotten worse. I have had several people, some mechanics, tell me about the rear diffs. Looks like you may be a source for rebuilds? Wondering if that was still available as I feel buying a used one may give me the same problems.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Clunking noise while turning left, and folks are telling you about the rear dif?
Start with the far more likely scenario-you need to replace your front LCAs, as the bushings are gone. This is normal at that mileage given the weight of the truck.