I call BS. The article says that installers are overtorqing the plugs causing the threads to mechanically fail. Right, so install plugs that will gall to the heads because some nimrod runs them in with an impact wrench.
****** does not know how to install a spark plug?
Suggestion: use anti-sieze and don't let that guy install your plugs.
How about straight from NGK: https://www.ngksparkplugs.com/about-ngk/spark-plug-101/5-things-you-should-know-about-spark-plugs
1. Anti-seize
NGK spark plugs feature what is known as trivalent plating. This silver-or-chrome colored finish on the threads is designed to provide corrosion resistance against moisture and chemicals. The coating also acts as a release agent during spark plug removal. NGK spark plugs are installed at the factory dry, without the use of anti-seize. NGK tech support has received a number of tech calls from installers who have over-tightened spark plugs because of the use of anti-seize. Anti-seize compound can act as a lubricant altering torque values up to 20 percent, increasing the risk of spark plug thread breakage.