As I contemplate what trail spares I would like to carry on long backcountry routes I am wondering what my rig really needs. I am looking to like LR3 owners to share trail failures and what fixes or parts you would keep on board. I believe a given is a scan tool of some type. I would like to keep this thread from becoming a debate. More a sharing of stories, failures, trail fixes that worked. The idea for this thread stems from my experience with past rigs is I kept too many spares and gear. I am looking to minimize as much as possible but still be prepared and hopefully have a central thread that new owners can check for ideas and help.
My only trip with my LR3 so far was to Moab and it was fairly uneventful except when climbing a steep rock my rear wheel dipped out of range and caused a temporary fault. Height sensors are expensive. Is it necessary to keep 4 spares on board?
My only trip with my LR3 so far was to Moab and it was fairly uneventful except when climbing a steep rock my rear wheel dipped out of range and caused a temporary fault. Height sensors are expensive. Is it necessary to keep 4 spares on board?