I posted this a while ago on one of the LR forums:
Over the weekend I fitted the Factory Lr3 2nd driving light switch to my IPF 960 driving lights. This is the switched used with the factor driving light kit and the good news is that switch and mounting kit available seperately from the $700+ driving light kit. I figured I post a quick How-To since it took me quite a while to figure out the 5 pins coming out for the switch in order to get everything to work (i.e. driving lights on/off, lighting of the switch with dimming, and the orange light illumination when the switch is on) since I wasn't able to find the factory wire diagram for the new switch itself.
Below are the part numbers you need and I purchased mine from parts.com as they are the cheapest place I could find for these factory parts.
VUB502860 - Fitting/Mounting kit for Driving Lght Switch. Includes templates, mount, cover, & instructions to mount the switch
(note: the fittmet instructions can also be found on TOPIX in the "Driving Light Kit" instructions)
XKB500080 - Driving Light Switch
The two parts above should come to just under $50 + shipping and you need both of them.
Below is the wire diagram to make it super simple to wire everything up.
(DISCLAIMER: this wire diagram worked on my North American 2008 LR3 HSE, I assume it should work on all LR3s per the Factory wiring diagram I referenced, but you assume all risk if you choose to give it a go):
Pics of the install:
Note: you will need to cut into the dash, just to the left of the Nav screen. Not a big deal to do and the cover that you get with the fitting kit covers the cut to make it pretty as you see in the photos above.