I finally made it home to Montana for a bit. I wasn't able to get any work done on my truck which made me feel a bit sad. I had a have dozen trees to cut down that were at risk of falling onto the fence between the neighbors and our place. So I spent days sawing up wood vs getting to play with the old truck. I did fire it up. Everything seemed ok minus the solar charge controller was dead. That fried sometime over the last year. I just disconnected everything. The Odyssey AGM batteries have no problem holding a charge just sitting there. I also rigged up a fancy electronic charger/maintainer to get plugged in everyonce in a while.
The big change with the truck situation is that I was able to finally see the M1101 trailer with the hard top hitched to the truck! I was pretty surprised when I hooked it up how much the truck dwarfed the trailer. It was a good reminder of how huge this whole thing is. The tan color is going to get addressed this winter and I will probably do some painting on the truck at the same time to give them a matching look. Not sure yet on colors but that isn't a really big deal.
The main reason I really wanted this trailer is after our last trip to Alaska we were packed in the truck pretty tight by the time we packed all 4 seasons of gear and our Zodiac boat. Since we are planning on moving back up there this next spring, this time with two dogs, it made sense to have a little room for us to breath. I'm planning on building shelves over the space of the fender wells that go up to the ceiling of the hard top. I'll incorporate a stand for the Zodiac's outboard motor and have dedicated spots for these items to live at. That way whenever we travel, if we are wanting to do exploring with the boat we will have it at our disposal. I was planning on shipping my old yamaha timberwolf atv and a dirt bike out to the bush so we will have a set of wheels in King Salmon.
I guess the overall goal is to keep the truck self sufficient and lighter weight, but have the trailer if we are wanting to drag toys to go play. Either way I'm excited to get to do another month + long trip next year and get to take whatever scenic route we want!