M101A3 Expedition Trailer for Jeep


Looking forward to your build dude! You also may have just saved me about $600 too with that Smittybilt! I was eyeing the CVT Mt. Rainier as I need a RTT to sleep 4 (me, wife, 2 little ones) til I just saw your thread. When ya get yours in and start playing with it, can you get the dimensions of the sleeping area? I know the specs say 122x76 opened, but I'm thinking the 122 is the entire width...not the sleeping area. Thanks in advance!

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New member
thanks! there will be many updates over the next 2 weeks as i finish the build. This is the first time i have done anything like this so we shall see how it comes out.

i wanted a 4room just for the space, i didnt know they came out with an XL so i ruled them out, i just happen to go to 4wd.com's website to order their awning for the build due to the sale and found the tent, i had to call SB customer service to find out the details on the annex and tent. i almost pulled the trigger on a CVT, i couldnt say no for this price. i can always upgrade but trying to build this in a month was a ton of unplanned coin to spend. exp when in process of adding new lift, motor and diffs to your jeep lol.

the tent will be here tomorrow and mounted, i will update with pictures, and dimensions

as far as i seen 4wd.com is the only one who carries it so far and SB outlett


New member

no worries man! thats why i thought to put place holders for all the content into categories. this way the content could be broken into sections, but still at the beginning of the post. then after all the comments and talk about the build.. my thought anyway. first time make a thread for a project like this haha


Yeah, I hear ya on the tight cash for this with truck mods! I just dumped a ton into my X with getting lockers in front & rear, sliders, and rear bumper/tire carrier.

And now I have an itch to build a camping trailer! It never ends. LOL

BTW..sorry for hacking your build thread above! Didn't realize ya were still posting to it when I posted ;-) unfortunately it looks like I'm not able to delete it :-/

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Damn it...did it again while you typed that reply above! ********

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Looking good so far. This is going to a big rig for your jeep to drag around. Are you keeping the surge brakes? How do you plan to move the rack up and down?

I see you made the same mistake I did, ran the expanded metal the wrong direction.


New member
I am keeping the surge brake for now. It works. May look into a Dexter Axel w electric brakes or concert these.

Yes to pull behind my jeep

Rack will move with electric actuators.

I had the issue with tubes warping from welding heat :(

What do you mean ran the expanded metal the wrong way?

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You may find the surge brakes irritating for backing up, especially if alone. Locking it out every time you want to back up gets old.

A few others on here have successfully swapped the hubs/backing plates to get electric brakes without doing an axle swap.

Expanded metal has a "grain" to it. I did mine the same as you because it was the most efficient use of the material (4x8 sheet). Didn't even think about it until it was all welded. I would run the longer diamonds front to rear if doing it again.


New member
Ahh got you on the expanded metal thing. I did mine this way as it was the best way to line up edges on beams with waste. Took 3 sheets.

Uhhh I didn't know you had to lock it out when backing it up hahahaha, please tell more as who the hell knows what I have been doing wrong :)

I will have to search for those electric brake swaps. I thought about calling around for a local trailer shop to see who might be able to do the conversion if I choose too

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Very cool trailer! Interested to see the actuators work and how you're going to do your kitchen. Yes, please let us know the inside dimensions of the tent when you get a chance. Keep up the good work.

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