Back in "The Old Days", I used to work for a power company at a coal fired generating station. Twice per year per boiler, I had to verify the settings of the boiler safety valves. These boilers were about 150 ft high, and the ambient temperature on top of the boiler was about 140F of very humid heat. I had to use a calculator to run some of the numbers, and the display would go black from the heat. I had to use a rubber band to tie the calculator to a 4x6 chunk of aluminum as a heat sink to keep it cool - the package would make it through the 4 drum safeties and two superheater safeties per boiler, then when we retreated to the break room to cool off before we started the process on the next boiler, the aluminum would sit in the room's refrigerator for as long as we could let it sit (it also made for a great excuse to stay a little longer...). I'd slide the aluminum/calculator back into a dust proof Zip-Lock, then we'd do it all over again.
Ah, the good old days....