Thanks to a friendly reminder from Razorback I am posting some info on my HF box that I am using for my power source. When I bought the box the intent was always to put a battery in here and use it to power all of the gadgets we seem to "must have" these days.
Here are a few pictures of the box.
The left side has the plug in for the power cord that goes to the onboard charger and it has 3 12v sockets. Two sockets are standard cigarette lighter style and the one at the bottom is a Hella plug for my ARB frig.
Right side is the same except no outlet for the charging cord.
This is the inside of the box. It is pretty full. I used a Guest 16202 20 amp charger that can charge 2 batteries at 10 amps each or hook both to one battery and charge at 20 amps. I do this most of the time but I also have a Optima yellow top that I carry as a backup in the trailer and if needed can use it and recharge off the Guest charger.
The battery is a Deka group 31 deep cycle battery rated at 105 ah. I got it at Battery Plus with their label but the Deka distributer in Dallas says they get them in, put the Battery Plus label on them and send them out. It has dual posts and as you can see, i used them all. The battery tray is a stainless steel tray made for the Deka 31 and I got it from Artec Industries.
As you can probably tell from the picture, I wired everything directly to the battery with inline fuses on each one. It may seem the hard way but I wanted direct contact so I went this route.
I am still not finished as I have plans to make a flip-up interior cover from stainless steel that will house a battery monitor, a couple more sockets that can be out of the weather, and eventually a solar panel controller for a 60-90 watt foldable solar panel that I hope to get sometime in the future. I also plan to put an external switch panel on the right side to control more led lights that I am going to mount underneath and around the trailer for night time lighting.
The box is pretty full but I expected that. I have enough room left for the charging cord and some socket adapters that make some of the sockets usb ports as needed. Right now it powers the led tent lights, the ARB frig and charges my cell, my hotspot, ipad, and allows me to run laptops as needed. At overland expo in May we ran all of this stuff as needed for 3 days with no issue and the frig was plugged in the whole time.
My plans may change but this is what I have so far. I am by no means "Mr. Electrical" so if you see any problems please point them out.