If I may offer a dissenting opinion - I have an iPad Pro, and for me, that's the only device I need; I got mine at Christmas of 2018 and have used it daily since. For context, I use it in my career as a work device (notes, e-mail, meetings, reading, signatures, etc. -- 8 hours a day in an office environment). I use it to run my own business (invoicing, finance management, marketing initiatives, web design, etc.) and I use it in my hobbies (video and photo editing). When travelling, it's also our maps, our entertainment, and communications. There's nothing I've needed to do that my iPad cannot do for me super well, and the form factor is much more portable than typical laptops, which means it does some things (writing, drawing, or taking in the content of others) much better than a clamshell-style laptop.
Prior to my iPad Pro, I was a MacBook user for years (since about 2010). PCs before that, and very much live a "digital life" with all my devices. Saying that, I would don't see myself ever going back to a MacBook.
I will say that the iPad requires you to do things differently -- workflow and file management requires a different set of steps. But, the difference is a bit like Mac vs PC -- they conceptually do kinda the same thing but there are differences in how they execute it. Once you get used to doing it the iPad way, it becomes very easy and in almost every case, I actually find I prefer my iPad workflows to my laptop workflows.