Mac GPS satellite navigation software


New member
Hey guys I am looking for some software for a mac laptop. I'd like to just connect an antennae to the laptop and be "connected" I really don't want to screw around with a "GPS Device." I would like the program to update my position constantly and turn by turn directions would be a plus. So something like the normal satellite navigation except for a mac laptop, does it exist for the consumer?

Count Fred

The current Mac gps software is lacking in quality. RouteBuddy is out there and has decent maps, but no useful touchscreen interface. (I use a Mac mini with a touchscreen in my Land Cruiser). I haven't tried their software again in a while, but looking at version numbers and release notes, nothing much has changed. It is a very bad interface for in-car use, even if it was only used when stopped and not in motion. Me, I like to be able to zoom in and out as needed, and be able to enter an address at a stop light without hitting difficulties. RouteBuddy falls flat there, unless way points are pre-set.

There are a few other solutions out there that work ok for a live map, but nothing that has routing capabilities.

My solution is to run TinyXP in Parallels and use Windows software. My front end program allows relatively seamless integration between those GPS applications and iTunes for my music.

I use iGuidance for on-road routing and Overland Navigator when off-road. Both are great pieces of software and sit at best-of-their-class status in my mind. No major features I wish either had, no major interface drawbacks. I wish I had an all-mac solution, but I'm quite happy as is.



You might also take a look at Garmins mac software - it has come a long way. I'm not sure any of them does live tracking. I'm thinking a gps enabled iPad is the best way to go, though I've thought a bit about the other solution mentioned here - mac mini with USB touch screen.

Though ultimately I think I would go with a web based setup and just make use of apache on the mac mini and turn on the wireless card and serve pages there - you could hold a fair amount of map data and tunes that way. Control the tunes using the remote app...and figure out something with the maps.

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