making a FG home; many questions!


What jobs? The issue I have with rental properties is that the property and the renters require maintenance, sometimes at very inconvenient times. I dislike having to "take care of ****" when I'm enjoying the wilderness. Maybe you like to be busy and have obligations, in which case maybe it makes sense. I prefer investments that I can ignore (like stocks). Like I said, what do you really want?

You can make a pickup much more off road capable than a 4x4 Sprinter van, and only the new ones with diesel issues have 4x4. I'm building a camper on a Tundra (on the frame). It will have ~7'x12' plus cab over storage, and convenient storage for stuff and bikes in the back seat area (seat removed). If you want something you can easily take off, just get a 3/4 or 1 ton truck and a used slide in camper. Lots of options and different price ranges there.

Even the diesels will only get ~15mpg (that goes for Sprinters also) once you load them up for camping, gas would typically be ~12 mpg. But the diesels cost more up front, the fuel costs more, and the newer ones have trouble prone systems, and forget about using them in other countries. Your cost of fuel is going to be a small percentage of total cost of ownership.

I have not had any landlords that responded in the time-frame you indicate ;) .. My investments are already in stocks more or less, that has been part of the struggle for me; to find something that makes more then what my investments do just sitting there. If I could figure out a good option I would love something where I could make money on the road. Maybe I should go back to school for computer programming.

I just met up with a friend who I have not seen in a while. He and his girlfriend traveled for several months living out of his crew cab Tundera with a basic topper on the back. I will look into a truck. I am not sure your figures are accurate about gas mileage though, everyone says the sprinter is around 20mpg or so..

I understand that cost of fuel isn't a huge factor, but I am an environmentalist at heart and would like my lifestyle to reflect that if possible

update: looking at a Ford E-Series Quigley 4x4
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The hassle I was thinking of was more like finding renters, sending notices when they are late, eviction, cleaning up their mess, etc.

Historically long-term stocks have made ~7% above inflation, which is very good. There are ways to diversify in RE without being hands on.

If I was you, I'd keep your options open with nothing tying you down. Spend lots of time in the wilderness and see what happens. Give it at least a year. You have a unique opportunity, and it would be a shame to toss it away immediately just because freedom is unfamiliar.

Like you I was looking at 4x4 Sprinters until I decided it wasn't for me, and people who had them loaded up to live in were getting a lot less than 20mpg. Environmentally I'm certain your carbon footprint even with a gas hog will be way lower than the typical person with a house and a job!


Get some Industrial or Commercial property with a triple net lease, the tenant pays the property taxes, insurance and upkeep. We had one tenant for 25 years on a property in Anaheim and didn't exchange more than a few words the whole time. The ownership of the Company leasing the property changed 3 times but when we sold it and ended the lease the third successor still paid us over 100k for deferred maintenance. I also have 3 residential rentals in the PNW and I have had excellent renters.


Active member
Just do it while your young.
I did the baja 1000 in mexico atleast 80 times before I was 22 yrs old. Moved to Cabo San Lucas the year I got out of high school, Cabo is 2 hrs south of la paz of the baja 1000 finish line.
Buy the fuso?
Go self made.. .
on the back...
with a decent used already made r.v.? Or box to start.
Then you can always upgrade the box or camper.
Just do it.

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