I'm putting together my layout for the power system for a teardrop with the batteries, inverter/charger etc. in the tongue box.
I'm trying to decide whether to keep the battery disconnect switch link here mounted on the component board inside the tongue box such that access to the box would be necessary to flip the switch off in an emergency or to mount the switch on the box itself as a bulkhead mount such that the switch body is inside the box, but the switch actuator handle is on the outside.
If outside, then the batteries can be disconnected without having to gain access to the box if it should be locked.
But, some ne'er do well could happen by and throw the switch off as a prank if outside.
If inside, more control over who can throw the switch, but again, if box is locked and key not readily available, then a small problem may become a large problem.
What do you all think? Are there regs or code that say you ought to do one way or the other?
Edited: There's a locking hole on the switch handle that a padlock could be attached to, but that would be the same as needing a key to the tongue box.
I'm trying to decide whether to keep the battery disconnect switch link here mounted on the component board inside the tongue box such that access to the box would be necessary to flip the switch off in an emergency or to mount the switch on the box itself as a bulkhead mount such that the switch body is inside the box, but the switch actuator handle is on the outside.
If outside, then the batteries can be disconnected without having to gain access to the box if it should be locked.
But, some ne'er do well could happen by and throw the switch off as a prank if outside.
If inside, more control over who can throw the switch, but again, if box is locked and key not readily available, then a small problem may become a large problem.
What do you all think? Are there regs or code that say you ought to do one way or the other?
Edited: There's a locking hole on the switch handle that a padlock could be attached to, but that would be the same as needing a key to the tongue box.
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