Maybe something different...(teaser)


Expedition Leader
I was down at the recycle center here on post again yesterday and found something that may or may not work out. I'm not even sure what it was designed to do originally but I'm guessing it held some commo or computer type equipment.?. But in a nut shell it is a double pivot assembly with two mounting surfaces 90* angles from each other. Hard to describe and I haven't dragged it out of the Jeep yet for pics but I will. My initial thought was mount the vertical surface to the wheel well of my CJ and allow the horizontal surface to hold the fridge. The assembly has arms and pivots so maybe the fridge could be "pulled out" but not in the traditional manner...? I'll have to play with it a while and see if it has the capacity to hold it (it IS military spec stuff so who knows??) as well as enough swingability(?new word! lol) to make it work.. Sorry for the tease and I promise I'll add pics. :)


Disabled Explorer
photos will go a long ways to see what you are describing, look forward to those


Expedition Leader
I hear ya on the pics... Sorry for not grabbing any Saturday, it was a little hectic. I'll try for some Friday or Sat as I have a 3 day weekend coming up. :)

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