Gotta Be Nuts
Hi guys, first a question for Joe since you mentioned how well the truck rides. Although I am not expecting a passenger car ride it is pretty harsh. Partly I am sure due to the fact that all the weight I have on the truck is the subframe, which is about 900lbs. You mentioned you had air bags in the rear, was this to help with the load carrying capacity or for a better ride? If a better ride did the remove any leafs? Oh, and one more question for you, if you are out at the truck and have your phone handy would you mid taking some pictures of the air conditioning bracket if you can get to it? I am guessing you have the OM366A so maybe it would be similar to what I would need for the OM366LA.
With the air ride seats, I am looking at the lo pro version. The specs for the Bostrom T-910 lo-pro says 4" for the base. I'll need to measure but the base that is in the truck now looks to be close to that (it looks like it has a sort of mechanical suspension for the drivers side. I spent about 12 hours yesterday on I-95 taking the truck from FL to NC. I am sure I need to at least upgrade the seats for one with a lumbar support. Also, can't wait for the new rims to show up in a few weeks so we can get the larger tires. Driving on I-95 at 55MPH is a bit uncomfortable due to the amount of traffic trying to get by at 75mph+.
Here is a picture of the seats we are considering

With the air ride seats, I am looking at the lo pro version. The specs for the Bostrom T-910 lo-pro says 4" for the base. I'll need to measure but the base that is in the truck now looks to be close to that (it looks like it has a sort of mechanical suspension for the drivers side. I spent about 12 hours yesterday on I-95 taking the truck from FL to NC. I am sure I need to at least upgrade the seats for one with a lumbar support. Also, can't wait for the new rims to show up in a few weeks so we can get the larger tires. Driving on I-95 at 55MPH is a bit uncomfortable due to the amount of traffic trying to get by at 75mph+.
Here is a picture of the seats we are considering