I have noise coming from the accessory drive. I removed the belt and the alternator spins freely. No apparent issue with the fan or PS. But the grooved pulley above the tensioner does appear to be shot. Good, one bolt fix.
However, they are not available anywhere locally, nor are they on Rock Auto right now. I had to special order one from either AutoZone (3 day expedited delivery) or OEM Mitsu at 1-2 weeks and $30 more.
I went the AZ route.
My regular parts guy said these aren't supported by aftermarket suppliers for their chain of stores. If you own one of these vehicles, be advised. Perhaps this is not the case for you locally, or I am missing something, but these pullies are rare and expensive. Once I pull it I will see if I can rebuild it, but it's my only vehicle right now so I cannot disable it. I will drive it sparingly until I get the replacement.
2003 Limited Gen3 3.8 Idler Pulley Grooved.
However, they are not available anywhere locally, nor are they on Rock Auto right now. I had to special order one from either AutoZone (3 day expedited delivery) or OEM Mitsu at 1-2 weeks and $30 more.
I went the AZ route.
My regular parts guy said these aren't supported by aftermarket suppliers for their chain of stores. If you own one of these vehicles, be advised. Perhaps this is not the case for you locally, or I am missing something, but these pullies are rare and expensive. Once I pull it I will see if I can rebuild it, but it's my only vehicle right now so I cannot disable it. I will drive it sparingly until I get the replacement.
2003 Limited Gen3 3.8 Idler Pulley Grooved.