New member
Thanks Joff. Those do look pretty tough. I think I will take some pictures of yours and start bending and welding.
Thanks again for the pictures,
No problem
I've got an 80 that's coming along but one area that could use a bit of help is the engine. It's got the reliable 1HZ but a 1HD variant would be a nice drop in...
I'll read over your build up.
There is a guy in Sydney that specializes in doing 1HD-FTE conversions. He has done heaps of 105's and 80's plus even a couple 3ltr Patrols that have dropped their lunch.
If I was doing it again, and it is worth doing, I'd just give him the keys and let him do the lot.
Jason Dymock
Total Care 4wd
02 9838 9779
Ahh man!! What I would do for a 105....
Great pics, nice Cruiser, and welcome to ExPo. I think I remember you from ih8mud, at least your truck looks familiar. Thanks for sharing and feel free to keep posting more great pics!
Yeah, I actualy joined IH8MUD when I started the conversion thinking someone over there would have already done this to a cruiser. What I didn't know was that you guys didn't get the 105 or the TD engines so it didn't work out for me :sombrero: But I put up a thread when it was done just the same.
Joff, thanks for sharing. Very nice Rig you have there. Glad to see that we still put them to good use and they are not just urban cruisers. ]
Regarding your HF communications, when you say you can "clear Australia" you must do a lot more than clearing Australia my friend... In my Land Cruiser set up (yaesu ft857d and Atas 120) I have reached Australia once. VK3EW I think was the callsign. And the ATAS is a "decent" antenna and the CODAN is a lot better.
Awesome rig, keep traveling!!!
You are probably right, I have only ever used it within Australia.
Quite certain the wife would not let me cross this:
It was slippery too :smiley_drive: