Rex-You need to be evaluated by your doctor. Ignoring the bit about the recent Penicillin injection, I would be concerned you have an arrhythmia or other potentially serious problem. Rheumatic heart disease is an interesting and now rare illness (one of the benefits of widespread antibiotic use), but it has many manifestations and complications that surface decades after the actual episode of acute illness.
What does your echo show? Do you have a normal ejection fraction? Do you have normal valvular function? Is your baseline electrocardiogram normal? Do you have any evidence of congestive heart failure?
No one can diagnose you over the internet, especially with puzzle pieces missing.
All kidding aside, someone who has had previous heart disease, has possibly had an MI, and now has the symptoms you describe has an arrhythmia until proven otherwise. This can be very serious (can be benign too, but you just don't know). Don't take it lightly and ignore your symptoms. If you get similar feelings of lightheadedness and shortness of breath, go to the ER. It's really too bad the nurse you saw could not do an ECG while you had your symptoms to see what your rhythm was doing.
What does your echo show? Do you have a normal ejection fraction? Do you have normal valvular function? Is your baseline electrocardiogram normal? Do you have any evidence of congestive heart failure?
No one can diagnose you over the internet, especially with puzzle pieces missing.
All kidding aside, someone who has had previous heart disease, has possibly had an MI, and now has the symptoms you describe has an arrhythmia until proven otherwise. This can be very serious (can be benign too, but you just don't know). Don't take it lightly and ignore your symptoms. If you get similar feelings of lightheadedness and shortness of breath, go to the ER. It's really too bad the nurse you saw could not do an ECG while you had your symptoms to see what your rhythm was doing.