Medical question


Rex-You need to be evaluated by your doctor. Ignoring the bit about the recent Penicillin injection, I would be concerned you have an arrhythmia or other potentially serious problem. Rheumatic heart disease is an interesting and now rare illness (one of the benefits of widespread antibiotic use), but it has many manifestations and complications that surface decades after the actual episode of acute illness.

What does your echo show? Do you have a normal ejection fraction? Do you have normal valvular function? Is your baseline electrocardiogram normal? Do you have any evidence of congestive heart failure?

No one can diagnose you over the internet, especially with puzzle pieces missing.

All kidding aside, someone who has had previous heart disease, has possibly had an MI, and now has the symptoms you describe has an arrhythmia until proven otherwise. This can be very serious (can be benign too, but you just don't know). Don't take it lightly and ignore your symptoms. If you get similar feelings of lightheadedness and shortness of breath, go to the ER. It's really too bad the nurse you saw could not do an ECG while you had your symptoms to see what your rhythm was doing.


I almost think the wosrt part was how scared Carrie was/is. I will have to wait till her next phone call to let her know that I feel fine. That much IS true, I do feel fine. I dont know if I am or not but as I sit here writing I feel OK.

I don't like being scared. I darned sure dont like for Carrie to be scared. It was upsetting and embarrassing for that to have happened at the place I used to work.

I have no idea about the test results. I have no idea when the stress test might be. I dont know what questions to ask of the doctor. I dont even know how much of this is mental stress and how much is my physical health. I'm sure on some level it's all intertwined.



Grim Reaper speaks the truth. Pharmaceutical Drugs wear you down. If you only have ONE doctor you may be AOK but the synergistic effect/unknown effect of the combo of drugs from a bevy of doctors who have no clue what the other one s are doing/prescribing may be a good part of many people's problems all around. Such approaches scare me...that's all I know personally. (I lost over 40 pounds and was addicted for over 4 years via a doctor prescribed pain management program).

I found that a proper diet will go a long way in building you back up *and* it is something you have total control over. If your doctor isn't talking to you about such things and only tosses pills @ you you may need another opinion.

For my own wasn't until I left the myriad of pills behind and found herbal pain relief (I'm in CO where MMJ is legal) that my body responded and began to heal itself.

Everyone is certainly different but I found that the side effects of all of the pills/shots/cure-alls they offered me ended up being worse than the affliction itself.

No matter how you approach it all...take care and good luck.....



I am glad that I'm not on many meds. I only have the one sleep aid and I would rather not have to have that one. I will resist a treatment plan that involves taking pills to fix things that are fixable by other means.

Change my dietary intake? Done. Tell me what to eat and not eat. More exercise? Fine. Teach me how to do it properly so I dont vapor lock. I despise taking pills. I've talked in another thread about chasing side effects and I dont intend to go down that road again.

For now it's a case of 'hurry up and wait', I am waiting for my test results, waiting for any contact from the Mental health folks, waiting for Carries next court date, and praying for face to face human contact. It's been a rough few weeks......................




Diet is tough in America..even with the plethora of goods available..mainly because most of it is processed and well...full of junk ya don't need **in** YOU..but that the manufacturer needs in their product so they can leave that same box on the shelf until you eventually buy it.

My suggestions after watching the wife struggle with many maladies...

It all starts with reading the label. If it's HUGE and has stuff in it you can't pronounce...DON'T BUY IT.

Buy FRESH. Buy 2-3 days worth of more.

Organics. Veggies-Fruits-Nuts- EAT EAT EAT...and raw as much as possible rather than cooked to death.

No canned foods.

Eat 4-6 oz lean beef or fish daily. Avoid Pork/processed meats/etc.

Avoid fast food.

limit alcohol...if not eliminate it altogether.


Avoid HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! This crap is in EVERYTHING...almost. Unless you're a diabetic/doctor ordered and are prohibited...find products with REAL SUGAR in them..or better sugar in them. If you look you will see that ORGANIC items contain no HFCS 99.9% of the time...and contain cane sugars/etc. Sugar isn't good for you...but it is better than chemically altered sugar that looks like cellulite in mass!! (before it hits rhymed it!)

No sermons/etc from here...but I will say that my wife was stressed/tired/disoriented/dizzy (moreso than normal) and was gaining weight like a baby elephant... and fortunately @ the same time there was a nutrition class available through work..and she took it...and all of the above things were what they basically told her....

she followed the above guildelines..and soon her BP dropped...her dizziness went away...her digestive tract righted itself (doc was thinking irritable bowel syn for awhile)....and then....all of the sudden...her mood/tolerance improved
and she started feeling BETTER and found she was dealing with stress rather than letting it run her over....

a few months later the pounds started to drop...and drop...and drop.
45 pounds extra TV pills....just following the above guidelines...she is rockin and rollin all the way around and feel 1000% better.....

Glad to hear about the lack of meds....

As for the mind... "All Things Must Pass" and if you can seperate the events into peices and conquer them one-at-a-time instead of worrying about ALL of them you will see that you can start to work your way through it. I've dealt with personal depression and in the end this thinking is what has kept me afloat. SO MANY things in our lives make no sense and matter very little in the BIG piture...yet those are often the things we dwell upon and the ones that toss up the largest hurdles we face.

And always..always ***share***. Silence breeds doubt...and doubt breeds inaction. I can't guarantee the feedback you will recieve will help (like this message may.may not!) or will 100% of the time be something you need/want to hear...but if you remember that any message sent in GOOD faith is a good message you've at least reached out/got it out and it isn't festering inside you...and maybe..just maybe there could be some bit of info in there that will make sense..if not now...on another day.

Believe in yourself.


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