Megacab VS Crewcab Ram 2500


Lunchbox Lockers
I like the new body style crew cab. I have an '09 2500 quad long bed and the back seat space is small. I have driven the newer crews and they are fine. For the price I just can't justify upgrading now. The mega is nice I guess, but a little excessive in my opinion. I guess if I was anticipating tall adult passengers riding long distances in the back seat it might be needed. I have several friends with the megas and they love them. One in particular has had at least five of them since they came out!

I really like the utility of a long bed which isn't available from the factory with the mega. I like to have a tool box for storage in a truck and by the time you put a tool box in a short bed it is pretty much useless for hauling anything. I compensate for the lack of cab space in my quad with an extra large weather tech tool box in the back. It's big enough for several suitcases on a trip to the airport thus preserving cabin space for passengers!


The best thing about the Mega cab is the space behind the rear seats for jackets, B.O.B., blankets, and such during road trips. Plus the built in storage area for jumper cables, hitch, and other stuff. The leg room is nice but the 4th gen crew cabs are pretty roomy. They have more room then the third gens, and make the 2nd gen look like a access cab. I like the extra leg room as I travel with three kids and each one brings a ton of stuff with them plus the box of snacks.


Oil eater.
I believe the 3500's still don't have the idiotic TPMS system.
A 3500 with Carli's full leafs and complimenting system delivers a pretty nice ride without the complexities of coils in the rear.


New member
To the OP i have a megacab 3500 single wheel and i love the damn thing. I have a dilema myself do, due to the size of the truck and wether i should go crew cab short bed formore mobility and economy . Since you are 6'8 and have family that will most likely be reaching similar size definitely go megacab
Does the mega cab come with a one piece drive shaft in a 4 wheel drive like the crew cab or is it a two piece?

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Does the mega cab come with a one piece drive shaft in a 4 wheel drive like the crew cab or is it a two piece?

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I think all the diesels have 2 pc driveshaft, even regular cab. But I could be wrong. Not sure on the gasser


New member
My '16 MC came with two piece. I just had a one piece aluminum built about a month ago. Drives much better. No longer feel the slop of the two piece.


New member
I just picked up the AEV Procal for my '14 3500 and it allows you to change lots of stuff including TPMS thresholds, tire size to the 1/4", gear ratio, fog lamps while using high beams etc.

Bayou Boy

It had a screen that gave you the pressures, but not the idiotic warning chime if dared run less than 80 psi, right?

Since some one brought this back up from the dead, I can confirm that a 2014 3500 does not have warnings, only the sensors and pressure readings. I run around with 45F and 35R with no warnings and haven't done a thing to the electronics in the truck.

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