Melvill and Moon Campaign Furniture

C Red

I need some help finding this stuff. I am interested in purchasing a few Melvill and Moon Campaign furniture pieces for my wife. I have looked around and have come up with no retailers outside of SA. Does anyone know where I can order/purchase their chairs, table and wash basin? I haven't even been able to find knock offs or similar items in the US. I believe there was a guy on this forum who used to import something similar from the Great Canadian Expedition Company.

Melvill And Moon Campaign Furniture


I get the impression that he's quite familiar with the product, and would imagine he knows how expensive they are. Sounds like a great gift for his wife.

Sometimes people pay a lot of money for things they treasure, and it's OK. Really :)

I mean, anything Snow Peak makes, for instance, could be sourced cheaper from some Chinese importer of knock-off goods, but they seem to be doing ok :)

C Red

Are you tracking how expensive those pieces are? (several hundred a piece)?
Yes, I am aware of the cost.

I get the impression that he's quite familiar with the product, and would imagine he knows how expensive they are. Sounds like a great gift for his wife.

Sometimes people pay a lot of money for things they treasure, and it's OK. Really :)

I mean, anything Snow Peak makes, for instance, could be sourced cheaper from some Chinese importer of knock-off goods, but they seem to be doing ok :)
I think she will really love their furniture. Hopefully I can locate and purchase it for her/us.

Unless it has to specifically be Mellvill & Moon, you can find what you are looking for at Lewis Drake & Assoc.

Lewis Drake

I will look at Lewis Drake. Thanks I haven't seen their stuff before.

C Red

M&M delivered

Just wanted to report that I did receive the Melvill & Moon furniture. Set up was pretty easy, but not real quick for my first time. I found the items in stock in Ohio. Found a company on the web called Sporting Wood (the name kills me) that carries M&M items.
It is just what we were looking for even though they are costly. Each chair, table, and wash basin come apart and fits into its own canvas bag.

He primarily sells safari ware but has access to the full line of M&M seat covers.
Sporting wood link

C Red

Any pics of it all set up next to each other?

Sure. Inside pics though.




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Expedition Leader
That is incredibly gorgeous furniture. It calls forth a time long gone when epic adventure was likely to lead the intrepid to locations as of yet unmapped.
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Awesome campaign chairs. I've had a mancrush on those things since I first saw them years ago.

I have some seat covers on order right now. Looking forward to how they turn out. I hope they look half as good as your gear.
I found a pair of British Army Roorkhee chairs on ebay last year. What Price Glory, , has great authentic items. I bought 2 canvas wash basins and a canvas bath basin from them. Not very many places have real wood and canvas camp or campaign items anymore.


Very Nice!

This is exactly why I need to stay off this site for a while!
I love things that will last and be around when I am long gone. My Nephews will have them past down to them from their crazy mountain uncle. Now I see a couple of more things they will get. I wish I had a crazy uncle!
That stuff is on my must have list!
But the Niese get the Fly Rods!

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