Right... I've changed ends, and am now looking to the cab and how to make a roof rack sit on top and merge in with the body without looking like I've bunged a Laundry Basket style Roof rack on top!! I've stripped the beacon bar and top (battered) air intake box off the cab so it's suddenly a little bare! I've also ripped the hideous aftermarket Air Con Unit out that was bolted to the inside back face of the cab, as it didn't work and was in the way of the crawl thru location. The first pic is as it sits now (the cab came up 15mm!). The second pic is the closest pic I can find of the style I'd like to achieve... However, to do this neatly, the raised air intake needs to go. Thoughts people... Are the raised air intakes beneficial or just a 'nice to have'? My view is that a Merc Air intake (just behind the front grill) is already high, and if you are on a dirt road it's still well out of the dust being produced.... Sooo..... Does it stay or does it go!??