So I finally got the truck registered! That took forever and was ridiculously expensive!
I hope to start building soon, but an opportunity came up, so we bought new (old) house with a bit more land, and sold the house we built a few years ago.
That means my 200m2 shop will go in 1½ months... Ouch!
And we will have to build a new shop and a new house!!!
But the Mercedes is licensed and that makes it a bit more attractive to use and move forward on.
For now I'm trying to get my way in the subframe department; an integrated cab and box!
I am trying to design a flexible and stabilized 3 point torsion free subframe.
Up front I plan on using flexible cab mounts which will keep the cab in relative alignment with the chassis, so controls etc. are fine. Besides that they will control horisontal movement of the subframe, especially forward/reverse.
In the rear I have opted for a Watt's linkage instead of the conventional single point.
This will allow the same lateral movement between chassis and subframe as a conventional "see-saw", but allow for some horisontal movement too.
The reason for this is twofold: I want to eliminate chassis vibrations from entering the subframe and this point will NOT be carrying the rear load of the camper.
Load will be carried by two rolling lobe airbags positioned right behind the rear spring hangers, where a conventional subframe usually is hard mounted.
The airbags will take the full weight in the rear.
When on-road the airbags will be isolated to stabilize the camper in high winds and when cornering, to avoid pendulum effect.
Off-road the airbags will be connected by a large bore air connection (with a magnetic valve for on-road), which will allow the chassis to move freely under the subframe.
I should have 20 degrees of movement in chassis, before it collides with the subframe, and even if it comes to extremes over 20 degrees, the subframe should be able to move beyond that.
Bonus point is that the airbags will allow some levelling when camping.
Ok, please lay all your contructive critism on this!