8.- The 4x4 proyect..
I am going to install when the pandemic allow (I need to drive to north Spain) to the specialist garage and here is totally different to my lovely USA, here, every modification you do to the car must be designed by and engineer and installed in a special garage, and you need to make homologation for it to YOUR car, and we have every year to drive the car for inspection.
My "home made" install is not a problem because is not fixed to the car (is removable) and I am able to take out everything in 1 hour, before my yearly inspection. For the the lights are with clips.
But for the bumpers, snorkel, under car protection it must be installed in a special garage and a goverment designed Eng must certificate it, then he must DO a project about the car modification. Is similar to an airplane modification. For that you can't see so much modified car in Spain, is expensive, difficult and you finish tired about it... Imagine, spending thousand of US$ for something and in the inspection the refuse it... is a nightmare and it could happen.
Then, I am going to install a Snorkel, I am going to make a front and maybe rear bumper, the under protections./
If you are interested about the spares.... are here
Snorkel ,
Protection and
Shock absorber
Also I found a company MAYBE is capable to make for me (because it must complain with Spain regulation, for that I can buy one from USA, Australia o Venezuela) a front and maybe (I don't know the price, then I need to wait) a rear bumper
9.- Wheels.....
My tires are perfect and I love it. M+S for "summer" with very good quality for medium mud, but in my longs trips to the East and North, I will need to switch the tires to Winter tires. I can depart from here because "never" is winter in the south, and for reaching the east/north are plenty of miles before the winter comes... then, I need to switch the tires in the "way"..... For that, I good roof rack
I bought 4 wheels for having the rims and I am going to put (in the pictures they aren't my tires, I bought the wheels/rims and came with those old tires) this tires for winter...
Cooper Tires AT3 4S
Checking the best position for the tires in the roof.
For driving short, I will carry only TWO (because they will be different size to installed, If one the bad, I need to replace both)