Important info for anyone importing a vehicle into Canada!
We commissioned a company in Holland to prepare and ship our 4x4 Sprinter per container to Vancouver Canada.
The container arrived a couple weeks ago and was denied entry. Reason: soil contamination on the truck.
To my understanding, the truck was cleaned before it was loaded.
Canada is understandingly very strict about invasive species and has no other option other then SENDING IT BACK TO EUROPE!
There are no cleaning companies in all of Canada that have permission to do a hazmat clean up for these type of imports.
I have seen pictures and the amount of dirt was minimal..... Location of the dirt was hidden behind the front bumper.
Not only will this be a HUGE extra expense, it will also delay everything by months!
In any case, if you are planing of importing or even crossing the border in Canada with a dirty vehicle, think twice! They wont let you in.