XP-3 Experience
I've used my Micro-Start XP-3 on many occasions since I purchased it six months ago. The portability of it was what interested me. It appears to hold a charge, but I'll admit to recharging it every month. The portability aspect came into use when I was driving a Polaris Razor with a friend in a very backwoods area. We had barely crossed a creek that submerged the Razor up to our waists, and as we climbed higher ground, it sputtered and quit. We were about two miles from our campsite and there was no way a vehicle could make it to the spot. I remembered that my Microstart was back at our camp site, so I took off to get it. My friend remained with the Razor. I later returned with the XP-3 and pulled it out of my pocket, as my buddy laughed. "How do you expect to start this thing with THAT?" he asked with sarcasm. I installed the alligator clips on the XP-3 and attached them to the Razor battery. All four blue lights indicated a full charge as I told him to crank the starter. After two attempts, the Razor successfully fired up. My friend was in amazement that such a small battery could jumpstart a vehicle.