Micro-Start XP-1


does anyone have any experience with the cheaper $50 units? i can almost guarantee they are all made buy one manufacturer and relabeled by everyone, so has anyone had any issues with the better priced ones found on amazon and ebay


XP-3 Experience

I've used my Micro-Start XP-3 on many occasions since I purchased it six months ago. The portability of it was what interested me. It appears to hold a charge, but I'll admit to recharging it every month. The portability aspect came into use when I was driving a Polaris Razor with a friend in a very backwoods area. We had barely crossed a creek that submerged the Razor up to our waists, and as we climbed higher ground, it sputtered and quit. We were about two miles from our campsite and there was no way a vehicle could make it to the spot. I remembered that my Microstart was back at our camp site, so I took off to get it. My friend remained with the Razor. I later returned with the XP-3 and pulled it out of my pocket, as my buddy laughed. "How do you expect to start this thing with THAT?" he asked with sarcasm. I installed the alligator clips on the XP-3 and attached them to the Razor battery. All four blue lights indicated a full charge as I told him to crank the starter. After two attempts, the Razor successfully fired up. My friend was in amazement that such a small battery could jumpstart a vehicle.


Got one for Xmas


Just started reading this thread and was prompted to respond to the one individual who was so negative about this battery. He obviously has never returned to his truck after hunting all day in mid winter and 30 miles from the nearest highway only to find the battery dead. I don't care if you have 1 battery or 2 old Murphy can show up any time- any where and I'll gladly spend the money if it keeps me from having to spend a night out in the back country and possibly a long walk to help (been there done that). I bought one shortly after reading about them on this site and it has been trouble free so far and no it won't hold a charge as long as they say especially in cold weather but I check it once in awhile now that I know that. I have started a V6 Trooper in minus Deg. weather that hadn't been started for months with mine and it still had power left. One use that I have found for it that is handy when tent camping while bird hunting is charging the dog's collar with it. Dave


Just had to use mine after it's been sitting for about 7 months with the original charge I had on it from June. Still had plenty of juice and fired my Jeep up two days in a row, after the Jeep had been sitting for well over a month.

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con kso

Need a recommendation

I had an xp-3 that worked fine twice.

I used it to jumpstart a guy's car - it worked great. I took it along as my back up jumpstart source on a three week trip to Baja- it worked once more on a motorcycle but when I checked it a few days later it was completely dead. None of the little purple lights were illuminated.

I thought that it might have lost charge (even though it's supposed to be able to jump many vehicles before needing to be recharged) from the two uses, so I plugged it into my cig lighter socket for about four hours. It didn't take a charge at all. I then plugged it into my inverter and still no charge. Luckily, I didn't need the thing the whole trip. As soon as I got back home I plugged it into the wall outlet. Again, no charge. I was pretty bummed because I really wanted to trust the thing- and I do still need a small jumpstart back up both for my rig and for my moto trips.

I contacted Amazon and they were super cool with taking it back no questions asked (AntiGravity did eventually reply to my email request for a warranty claim form and a warranty return number but I opted to just send it back to Amazon- since AntiGravity stated that it would, "investigate" my unit and they might honor their warranty... I went with the sure thing).

Other than the AntiGravity branded jumppacks (which I may actually try again on the notion that I got the one faulty unit) does anybody have a suggestion for a very reliable brand of lithium jump pack? And if AntiGravity is the agreed best there is solution- please let me know.


Expedition Leader
I think all brands are the same or similar. It's a hit or miss it seems. Mines still works and jumped 4-6 cars already. It didn't want to jump my truck with a completely dead battery with i think 5 bars of juice left (was only down 1 bar). A quick charge and it fired my truck up. It kinda struggled but it worked.

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K5 Camper guy
A tool truck came into the dealership and sold all my techs on the micro start. One of them drives our wrecker and takes it on all jump start calls. I grabbed one of them to jump start the owner's 56 chevy that was dormant for over a year and wouldn't start after attempts to charge it. The 56 would stall out after I took the micro start off of it. So it was small enough I hooked it up, he started it and I just left it hooked up for him to drive the car back to the shop about 5 miles away. We've jumped diesels with them, from a duramax to sprinters. None of my tech's units have failed yet and it's been almost a year.

One of my guys found a simple unit without all the attachments at wally world on sale around xmas for $55 and grabbed one for all his kids. Bought them all out. He found more on clearance a couple of picked me up one. A little smaller in size but so far it does the same job.


Expedition Leader
A tool truck came into the dealership and sold all my techs on the micro start. One of them drives our wrecker and takes it on all jump start calls. I grabbed one of them to jump start the owner's 56 chevy that was dormant for over a year and wouldn't start after attempts to charge it. The 56 would stall out after I took the micro start off of it. So it was small enough I hooked it up, he started it and I just left it hooked up for him to drive the car back to the shop about 5 miles away. We've jumped diesels with them, from a duramax to sprinters. None of my tech's units have failed yet and it's been almost a year.

One of my guys found a simple unit without all the attachments at wally world on sale around xmas for $55 and grabbed one for all his kids. Bought them all out. He found more on clearance a couple of picked me up one. A little smaller in size but so far it does the same job.

mirco start advises that it should not stay hooked up for more than 30 seconds as the alternator will start to charge the mirco start which can damage it.


For those having problems with the Micro Start, did you ever hook the battery up in the wrong sequence? One thing that I thought was a little unusual in the instruction are that you have to hook the clamps up to the dead battery first then hook the clamps connector to the Micro Start. I have heard of people frying the battery and/or blowing the diode contained within when hooking up the cables to the Micro Start before the dead battery. I've had my Micro Start for a year and have successfully jumped vehicles 12 times with no issues using the proper method of hooking up the clamps. Keep in mind I'm not talking about positive and negative to the dead battery which is a completely different scenario.


K5 Camper guy
mirco start advises that it should not stay hooked up for more than 30 seconds as the alternator will start to charge the mirco start which can damage it.

I fully realize that. Given the fact that this was a 100% stock 56 Chevy right down to the generator that might eek out 40 amps at the most, the risk was minimal. Besides at the time if the Generator wasn't providing enough power for the most basic of electrical systems (points & condenser ignition) it probably wouldn't be enough to charge the micro start.


After reading this thread I decided to give Antigravity a shot, I was tired of lugging my big jump box around. I ordered an XP-3 PPS off amazon for $80 shipped. Wouldn't even jump start a little 4 cylinder Kohler diesel engine I use on a piece of equipment at work. I was pretty disappointed. And I let it charge to 4 full bars before using it. I don't know if I got a defective unit or what, but I'm returning it to Amazon today. My trusty (albeit large) DSR ProSeries jump box started the dead equipment just fine.


Expedition Leader
After reading this thread I decided to give Antigravity a shot, I was tired of lugging my big jump box around. I ordered an XP-3 PPS off amazon for $80 shipped. Wouldn't even jump start a little 4 cylinder Kohler diesel engine I use on a piece of equipment at work. I was pretty disappointed. And I let it charge to 4 full bars before using it. I don't know if I got a defective unit or what, but I'm returning it to Amazon today. My trusty (albeit large) DSR ProSeries jump box started the dead equipment just fine.

I have the Xp1 and it says that it needs to be charged to 5 bars or more, maybe the xp3 is a little different


None of them are rated for diesel. Last I heard they were working on a model just for the high compression of diesel motors. You can't compare equally a 4 cyl diesel vs 4 cyl gas. Two very different requirements.

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