Microsoft Surface GPS?


A friend bought a Surface tablet and an external gps puck. What app can he use to load gpx files (waypoints and tracks)? I see a bunch bought they all rely on the cellular and not the gps signal.

Any help would certainly be appreciated

Thats the problem these days, the only software and Apps being written are for Android/IOS. It's all about the handhelds. If you want to use something more substantial and powerful, i.e. a PC/Laptop, you're out of luck. Been thinking about trying an Android emulator on a PC. That would open up a lot of the mobile apps to Surface and laptop users.


I'm in the same process. Will keep it updated.
Look in the software thread... there are a couple suggestions there.


Al Menne
Originally Posted by X-it
I have a laptop with Windows 10 on it. I do a lot of snowmobiling and getting access through the trees can be easy if you know the open areas. Windows 10 offline maps has the clarity. But no use investing in a gps receiver if it will not interface with windows 10 offline maps. Anyone know one that will, I came across on ebay from Germany that say it does.
Download (GPS Complete.)
Install the software

Verify that your attached USB GPS is working with any other program.
You must find the com port and baud rate the GPS is operating at, Mine was Com 3 @4800
You can select the Sensor On/Off items from the "Tests" menu. This will show GPSDirect (and all other sensors you might have). Click on GPSDirect and it will show the values that it gets from your hardware.
Now From the "COM Port Driver" menu, select "Install":
Select all the GPS Sentences and Hit OK
I'm using a BU-353/ BU-358 USB GPS
Microsoft Maps works offline for me on both a win 10 PC and a $100 Walmart RCA Win 10 Tablet.


Found this on the MapsPro site:

"If you are running Windows 10, try using the new "USB GPS" settings in Menu>My position>GPS settings.
This option will allow you to use your USB GPS device without any software"

autism family travels

Active member
I was going to mention maps pro. I have it on my dell 2 in 1, and used it on my surface 3 when I had it. Had lots of information and you could find something to use but its not quite as good as the android offerings for me, being in Canada.


Looks like on mapspro you can create a KMZ using Google Earth and then import it. Is this correct?

Would like to hear more about that. I downloaded all the offline maps for it, but can't find where to open a GPX or KML file.

I have found that the TwoNav Land runs on Win 10 and can read GPX files. It does not do TbT however. The free download is premium for 30 days, then reverts to basic version.


Would like to hear more about that. I downloaded all the offline maps for it, but can't find where to open a GPX or KML file.

I have found that the TwoNav Land runs on Win 10 and can read GPX files. It does not do TbT however. The free download is premium for 30 days, then reverts to basic version.

No idea. Just looked it up on Google and there was a suggestion you could do this. I am getting access to an MS Surface Pro to play with soon (loaner from a friend) and would like to know myself.


I just ran into a link for Windows 10 MapsPro....
$4.99 for the registered version, $9.99 for the US maps package.
It connected with my GlobalSat USB satellite receiver instantly.
It followed me flawlessly this morning (using my Droid for a hotspot until I download the offline maps)
It is capable of TbT directions
It can open GPX files as overlays!!!
You can load it on up to 10 windows devices.

I think we have a winner!

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