The conditions at the dealership are entirely the responsibility of the dealership's management, not MMNA. To accomplish anything in that direction you'd need to direct your complaints to the General Manager of the dealership, and hope he gives a ****.
That is pretty much what they said and that is fine if they want dealerships with their name on the sign out front that look like cr@p and call it good. This is why the whole "5 Star" dealership thing started years ago, so they could have some quality control over each location. For example, if I go and get my Mercedes serviced and the survey that I fill out is not good the dealership risks losing 5 star status which lowers their standing for advertising purposes but more importantly they are forced to pay more for each vehicle they get from the parent company which makes it harder to compete within their own brand, thus it is actually cheaper to have great customer service and get 10/10 customer surveys to keep costs down.
Not to mention that instead of telling the consumer, "you will need to talk to the manager about your lousy experience at the dealership," they could tell me the same thing but that they would relay my concerns to the dealer. This would let the dealer know that customers are not happy and that the parent corporation knows about it and I wouldn't feel like I got blown off. Everything mentioned here is just good old fashioned customer service. Ultimately that is what Yelp is. You get great service and you tell the world about it. Or you get screwed and tell everyone that. The mitsu dealer I am referring to has a 3.5 on Yelp and some very detailed reviews, including an F Rating by the Better Business Bureau. So based on my personal experience I think it would be beneficial for the parent company to encourage each dealer to meet high quality standards. I know I am not speaking to Mitsubishi here and I am sure we all like good customer service so I guess I am just venting. It is too bad that such a great car company isn't a great people company.