So we have been at austria for our new years trip. The car was parked on the highest point we could get because of the snow. Then they said there would be a snowstorm coming up and we decided to get the car down. But for whatever reason it decided not to start again. So i cleaned the spark plugs and some stuff, but it still didn`t fire up. I then called the road service, but they said they didn`t have time.
So we had to wait until the other day and the car was snowed in, in about 3 feet of fresh snow. I got some new spark plugs from the road service, but it still didn`t fire up. So we had to get a big tractor with chains to get the car down. The n we pulled it with the tractor and after a while it fired up. I don`t have to say that i was pissed off... :ar15::ar15:
After that i put in a new distributor cap and rotor, ignition leads and some new gaskets, hoping it was just some moisture that got into the distributor...
Yesterday i noticed that the heater wasn`t working, and then the temp gauge started raising. I got out of the car and noticed water pouring on the ground. I grabbed some water and poured it in the radiator, but it poured right out on the ground. So i had to get towed home again. I ordered a new radiator and will install it tomorrow...
Well, looks that i don`t have any luck with this damn car. But the good thing is, that there`s almost no old parts anymore, so it should become more reliable with every part that breaks (and get`s fixed)...
Well, in the maintime i started a new project: