Anybody try https://www.skyroam.com/ ?
I just looked at the website. It is cheap enough to give it a try.
Anybody try https://www.skyroam.com/ ?
If you are looking for full function mobile satellite based communication Google "mobile VSAT communication". It's not inexpensive!
Also keep in mind that any of the geosynchronous based satellite communication system come with around 800 millisecond latency on each up/down leg, which can make anything interactive like conversations or video conferencing "awkward". Some database applications that have a lot of interaction between the host database and the client on you computer can be painfully slow also.
HughesNet is what you mean and it's a geosynchronous VSAT so as mentioned latency is going to be bad and bandwidth is modest (about 25 Mbps for a consumer). OTOH they have generous data caps in the tens of GB per month. The gen 5 (Jupiter) architecture measures latencies of about 650 ms and jitter in the 25 ms range. Which is pretty good for what it is but terrible compared to LEO and terrestrial competition. Their biggest customers are using it for backhaul of 4G/LTE and enterprise VoIP mainly so latency is manageable.Hughes is a nightmare. Avoid. Not only do they have horrid customer service, it is expensive, and the latency is measured in seconds, not milliseconds. Be prepared to timeout trying to log into sites frequently and forget about using RDP if you are trying to work over sat. BTDT.
Any of the satellite solutions are going to handle that fine but expensive relatively speaking. For example a 100 MB/month Iridium-based BGAN is about $400/month at around 128 Kbps speeds. It's usually measured in Kbps at Dollars/minute, so it might be $10/min to have a 128 Kbps connection and you basically pre-buy some at a discounted rate. To get the full channel bandwidth it'll be something like 650 Kbps at like $30/min or put another way you'd get for $30 about 38 MB.How about just for email with attachments?
These are multiple network routers, meaning they can connect devices in the vehicle seamlessly to whatever connectivity you install. They AFAIK have cell LTE modems built in but can extend to a wide area WiFi, LMR (voice two-way Land Mobile Radio) data infrastructure if it's installed or satellites if they add them. Realize that the MG90 router alone is $1,600 and that's before any service subscriptions or anything optional.Forgive me for not knowing the intricacies, as I am just learning about mobile data and comms, but I install these in police vehicles on a daily basis:
The AirLink MG90 and MG90 5G are high-performance vehicle routers, purpose-built to provide secure, always-on connectivity. The MG90 LTE-A Pro is FirstNet ready with Band 14 support. Learn more today!www.sierrawireless.com
They seem feature-packed and are vehicle-ready, and the antennas are compact. I could not tell you about the network setup or services unfortunately, but I can say I’ve installed these in rural Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana sheriff and emergency response vehicles that I’d imagine need connectivity in remote areas.
For what it’s worth.
What OP needs is a paged alert someone back in office can hit when they need to summon you.. have a special email that auto forwards to your phone sms, and either a satellite based SMS or APRS SMSGTE, or all of the above.
When you get paged, you simply hop in your vehicle and either drive to the highest point nearby and fire up an amp and directional LTE antenna or head into town w/decent cellular coverage to get your business done, then go back to camp.. Having a motor bike or something helps if your camping outta your vehicle so you can just toss your gear into a backpack and rip ass if needed without packing up camp.
This is how I've been doing it for over decade now, patiently awaiting SpaceX Starlink to untether me from civilization.. Still its very rare I cant respond within an hour as long as I dont venture too deep into backcountry..
On demand. I need enough band width to email in real time and import spreadsheets etc.
HughesNet is what you mean and it's a geosynchronous VSAT so as mentioned latency is going to be bad and bandwidth is modest (about 25 Mbps for a consumer). OTOH they have generous data caps in the tens of GB per month. The gen 5 (Jupiter) architecture measures latencies of about 650 ms and jitter in the 25 ms range. Which is pretty good for what it is but terrible compared to LEO and terrestrial competition. Their biggest customers are using it for backhaul of 4G/LTE and enterprise VoIP mainly so latency is manageable.
It's a physics limitation. Even if everything in the path was perfect just the round trip time to a Hughes bird like Echostar 19 is 240 ms (light speed out and back to 22,236 mile location). That's just the actual flight time of the RF, not including any error correction, processing and the ground gateway and routing take a bite. For low latency or jitter-sensitive applications or if buffering isn't viable it's just not an option.I guess different perspectives and potentially geographical locations can be a factor. Their data caps are no better than major mobile carriers for significantly higher costs. I typically use 5-6G a day - not including recreational use - and then once you hit the cap, they throttle you down to ISDN speeds (112k). I would have been thrilled with 650ms latency, I saw a low of ~900 and a high of 6.9 seconds. Maybe they have improved in the last few years as this was in 2017. I took the hit on ending the contract early and went back to 7mbps DSL (only other option up here).
And yes, HughesNET, sorry to have shortened it but that’s nicer than we call it around here. I have enough of their junk mail to make plenty of camp logs
Any of the satellite solutions are going to handle that fine but expensive relatively speaking. For example a 100 MB/month Iridium-based BGAN is about $400/month at around 128 Kbps speeds. It's usually measured in Kbps at Dollars/minute, so it might be $10/min to have a 128 Kbps connection and you basically pre-buy some at a discounted rate. To get the full channel bandwidth it'll be something like 650 Kbps at like $30/min or put another way you'd get for $30 about 38 MB.
A system like HughesNet or ViaSat will get you on the order of 12 Mbps to 25 Mbps downlink speeds and 3 Mbps uplink for $100/month for around 30 GB/month soft data cap where your speed will slow above some amount of data used. They generally limit speed on your account rather than volume but it can scale pretty readily if you want. VSATs have the data capacity compared to systems like Iridium designed for lots of voice channels primarily.
Where it could get expensive is hardware. A Hughes 9202 terminal for Iridium is about $3,000.
The equipment for a VSAT like ViaSat might be $500 or $750 or there about for a basic stationary dish. If you want to use that portable you'd have to set it up and aim it each time, which requires some sort of tool. Hughes sells their DAPT for about $150 I think.
To get a tracking dish would be quite a lot more money. An automatic aiming dish is probably more like $5,000.
For the occasional email and data you're really better off financially and convenience with terrestrial LTE cellular data plans, if you can. The hope was OneWeb and still for Starlink to bring cost and performance uniformity to the market, but we'll see. Satellites aren't cheap to build, launch and maintain so it's hard to imagine it being exactly affordable high performance for a consumer for some time yet.