Moby1 owners?


Well-known member
Some of that is due to it being wider and taller than the So-Cal I used but also because the Moby1 doesn't have the traditional tear drop profile but is squarer(boxier?) which makes it even roomier with more usable space.

The Moby is a Benroy design. This style was designed and produced from 1953 - 1955. The extra space provided is exactly the reason we built our trailer in a Benroy shape. The difference in interior space between the Benroy we built and the more teardrop shaped Silver Shadow (Little Guy) we rented is noticeable but not to the extreme. If you were closer you could at least look at ours which is similarly sized to the Moby (at least the interior is).


New member
Hi guys,

I may be visiting their production facility next week. When I get more info and pictures I will get them on this link. I too am a big fan and have been researching this style of unit. So far they meet my demands for my missions.



hey Strega thanks for your input. It is far from me but when your speaking of a 20K product, I definitely need to see it in person before I decide to buy. Everyone I've spoken to seems to think that it will plenty large for my needs which is great. The build quality is top notch as you saw. I've spoken to another Moby1 owner and he has had nothing but good things to say about them.

Tangovino any additional pics or input would be greatly appreciated.


New member

I visited the Moby1 company in Utah this week. I am happy to announce I placed an order for the XC model (54" width) on Wednesday. I spent two days looking critically at the design, and the quality of construction. Obviously, I was impressed! Ashley, the owner was very accommodating. His attention to detail and, more importantly, willingness to provide a variety of options, made the decision an enjoyable experience.

Now if I can only figure out how to post some pictures.

The finish work, and the beefy frame design assured me the trailer will do everything I might put it through. All the accessories selected and offered are well thought out and have been tested with feed back from previous customers.

As it is being built I will give updates on the progress. I encourage anyone with questions to PM me and I will enthusiastically respond.

Hey guys, this really is a nice trailer. And a great company to boot!



Moby1 Lead Time?

....I visited the Moby1 company in Utah this week. I am happy to announce I placed an order for the XC model (54" width) on Wednesday. I spent two days looking critically at the design, and the quality of construction. Obviously, I was impressed! Ashley, the owner was very accommodating. His attention to detail and, more importantly, willingness to provide a variety of options, made the decision an enjoyable experience.

Hey guys, this really is a nice trailer. And a great company to boot!....


Congratulations. I visited Ashley last fall. I liked what Moby1 is doing.

When I was there in September, and had I placed an order, there were 7 trailers ahead of me in the production line up. At the time, I didn't have enough confidence that they could complete by March, so I didn't place an order. What is the current lead time to take delivery of a new trailer?


New member

The lead time I was quoted was 4 to 5 months. Ashely is hoping ramp up production starting this month, so possibly sooner.



Congrats on the trailer Mitch! :wings:

Were looking at a 54" XC as well. Looking forward to watching your trailer go through the build process, it will be worth the wait.



Yulli the Yeti
I've been in contact with them recently. I'm excited to start saving up and eventually getting a trailer in a year, hopefully.

I'm still torn on what model to get. I need to figure out my wants and needs. haha.


New member
Going to pick up my trailer!

I received a call from Moby1 and my trailer is ready for delivery. Since I last posted I upgraded to the XTR. I have been up there at the facility a couple of times and the production has ramped up nicely. Ashley is looking to produce around 2 a month from here on out. He has installed some high tech machinery and has a great crew there and all is moving along according to plan.

I will post pics as soon as I have the trailer hooked up to my 4Runner.


Grease Cruiser

Congrats Tangovino !!!!

It is great to see so many people interested in Moby 1. Ashley is one of the best guys you will ever meet.

Sorry I have not posted earlier, I just came across this thread and I am not on this site very much any more.

I have a Moby 1 XTR and I think it was #2 that was built. I have had it about two years now and I have used it quite a bit. In fact, we are leaving this afternoon for a week long desert trip in Utah. We just packed up the Moby1 last night and are leaving right after work.

The build quality is top notch and everything works as it should (even after several thousand miles of backcountry travel). I spent almost 10 years working in the custom Land Cruiser business and I am very picky when it comes to details. The XTR is solid and robust and the craftsmanship is spectacular. As mentioned, Ashley built custom cabinetry and his talents carry over into his trailer building. With this being said, custom items like this take time to produce.

I did the same thing that some of you are doing; I went and checked out Moby1 to see for myself. I met Ashley and Kimberley and we instantly became friends. These are some of the nicest people that you will ever encounter. They are passionate and enthusiastic of their products. Ashley still checks in with me every few months to ask how everything is going and if I need anything.

If anyone is in the western Colorado area and would like to see an XTR in person, please contact me. Or if you see me out and about, flag me down. I can't tell you how many people have stopped me to look at and discuss the trailer. One guy even asked me if he could rent it for a weekend !!

I will see if I can't dig up a picture of ours. It might take me awhile as I think I have some pics on a different computer. And... as mentioned, we are heading to the desert for a week and I turn off all cell phones and computers.


Yulli the Yeti
I really wish I could get an XTR. Unfortunately I just can't financially afford one. No matter how hard I try to save.

Mitch, I can't wait to see some pics of yours.


Yulli the Yeti
Congratulations Mitch!

Did I miss something, or did it really take over a year to get a Moby1??

Sorry off topic here but your sig says you have an AT tear drop. I'd love to see some pics of it if you don't mind me asking.

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