Montero owners near Virginia up for a trail run?


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Just wondering if there are any Montero owners in Virginia or the surrounding areas that may want to hit a trail or two up in the next couple of months. You guys on the west coast are more than welcome to trek on over here as well if you think you can handle real mud. lol... J/K

Really, I am always the odd man out with my rig. Would like to get around some other people who have the same appreciation of these things as I do.


The Stray

New member
I'm in Virginia Beach and might be up for something like that. Though I should mention that most of my off road experience is mudding around on a friends farm when I lived back up in Maryland. Not to mention the snow storms from hell last year and the year before, so nothing too extreme lol.


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I just found out that some of the forest OHV trails are closed off until March. We will have to wait until they reopen to have a good experience running what the Appalachian has to offer. I figure a trip that will last 3 days and cover the GWNF trails, Shoe Creek, and Big Levels. April may be a better time to run considering how nice it will be having a green background again.

I'm thinking the 6th, 7th, and 8th of April.
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The Stray

New member
Heh, wish I had the time for a three day excursion. Unfortunately I'm in the concrete industry. Work for me is going to triple starting March.


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Going to shoot for April 6, 7, 8. Meet up somewhere in Charlottesville. Say around 7am. We can go to Shoe Creek and Big levels. Primitive camp there for the night. Next day, head to Some GWNF trails and spend some time sight seeing. Camp at the park that night. Head to the State line the next day, take it slow and sight see. Head home that evening.

Just a basic rough draft to be modified with better ideas. That is if I can find some interest in the Mitsu section. I've got a lot of interest in the Southeastern society section. Wanting to invite some of my good Mitsu friends here. :) Hope some of you can make it.



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Hey Stray, I might have a day long trail run sometime in the next couple of weeks. You free at all? We can head west and see what we can get into. Maybe Potts Mountain or Shoe Creek.
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