Well, I am still having brake issues. Recent brake work includes new stainless steel brake lines. Symptom: A few weeks after having the stainless steel brake lines installed - When I apply the brake at first it feels normal. Then when I let off the brake halfway and press down again the pedal gets weaker and gets closer to the floor. When I continue to press halfway the pedal eventually drops to the floor. So I apply brakes, let up halfway, apply brakes again and eventually the pedal will bottom out. Attempted fixes:
- Bled the brakes multiple times the proper Mitsu way using a MUTIII Scanner
- Verified brake booster electric motor is working - diagnosed per Mitsu FSM
- checked for codes - no codes or warning
After talking with Chai and other owners on Facebook myself and others believe the issue is the seals in the master cylinder are failing. The seals blew due to either A) increase of pressure of the braided brake lines B) Brake bleeding finally busting the already worn seals C) Age
I could go with a reman or rebuilt one but all the units on Ebay don't really sound promising. Since when was a "dusted unit, parts replaced" considered remanufacturing? Craigslist seems to have dozens on people who are willing to work on them but only list being able to work on 01-02.
Because this unit is so critical to my safety and the safety of others, I bit the bullet and bought the whole HBB unit which includes a new pump as well...
Total cost is 1,515.38 for MR569728. I doubt the unit will come before Thanksgiving so I will be spending my few days off just chilling. Super bummed but it comes with ownership of any 15+ year old car.
On the bright side I installed my SuperPro swaybar links (front and rear) - After some research I measured my friends near stock Montero to try and match the swaybar angle of his with mine. Stockish angle is 13 degrees, mine went from 35 to 22 degrees. I am not sure I will see/feel any noticeable improvements.