Most popular stove's used in Overlanding


More "Overland" "Expo certified" meals have been cooked on Coleman stoves than any other. They are perfect. Cheap, reliable, compact/easy to find fuel source, works in all environments, easy to field service, fuel efficient, last for decades, repair parts available at the local hardware. Seriously they are perfect for vehicle based travel. I'm surprised more people here don't snap up the 60's-70's models that remain perfect to this day, and are built with more a bit more pride than the current lot of dual fuel stoves (which are still good stoves), because all Coleman stoves can burn regular unleaded gas.

What's not to like? Other stoves have more sex appeal, but honestly don't work as well for vehicle based travel. When you travel in a 3 ton vehicle, you don't need ultra light weight, and even there a Coleman stoves contains it's fuel. So a propane stove plus it's fuel tank weighs at least as much as a Coleman stove with it's fuel tank.

Now if you're reluctant to learn how they work, and take the extra 30 seconds to pressurize the fuel tank beofre cooking, then propane is for you. Just don't cry when you melt the o rings out of your Partner stove's burner valves 100 miles from anywhere, or you run out of propane on the White rim. There is a craft to master when it comes to a Coleman stove, but once mastered, it sticks with you for life.

So yes, "old timey" Coleman stoves are still around. Still cooking dinner, and making breakfast. They probably are not expensive enough for the overland crowd, but from a practical perspective they are actually better than the alternatives.

Here's 6 burners of 1963 Coleman still cooking at an undisclosed location on Lake Powell.

Since that original post I've set the 425e up for regular use. Cleaned it out, replaced the generator, and keep the Stansport adapter in there just in case. I love it, takes a bit longer to cook cinnamon rolls with the Coleman oven, but they come out better. Working on building a door mounted "kitchenette" to house it right now.


Since that original post I've set the 425e up for regular use. Cleaned it out, replaced the generator, and keep the Stansport adapter in there just in case. I love it, takes a bit longer to cook cinnamon rolls with the Coleman oven, but they come out better. Working on building a door mounted "kitchenette" to house it right now.

You should check out the 425C. All of the sides on this stove are flat, is a bit more compact, and packs nicer than the 425D and later models....the 425E's top has a bit of a rise to it, sides are stamped & indented, and it also has the bubble legs, all which makes its physical size bigger than the 425C. The 425C also has thicker gauge steel than the 425E and thus is more durable. Finally the 425C has a nice set of fold under legs that double as the lid lock. The 425C IMO is the best of all the 425/424 series:



I keep an eye out on the local auction and buy stoves every once in a while. Usually when I can find a place to hide them from the wife. They had one of those a while back, I'll keep an eye out for another. They rarely top $15.


Great thread, and the first to have me thing about something old and free and not a new expensive widget. I'm going to "borrow" my dad's 70's coleman gasser. I plan to avoid propane for my next adventure. I'm leaving the coleman lantern and stove at home. I do have a new LED lantern coming via amazon.


Autism Family Travellers!
The correct answer for any of the what gear questions, is COLEMAN. simple...They other high buck stuff is cool and lighter, but the old coleman stuff gets it done for 20 bucks instead of 200!


I just bought a 425C off of Ebay for $30 practically brand new. I was inspired by the thread also. Had no idea they could be picked up so cheap. This one had the original box and the price tag with $9.87 was still on the box. Cleaned out the generator and it works like a champ. Still have my cheapy propane Coleman but I always wanted a white gas unit.


Picked up the Sears version of the 425C (blue and black), pretty solid shape. Soaking the pump cup right now, otherwise it just needs a good wipe down. Cost a whopping $6.10. I think I paid more in gas to pick it up.

Chris Boyd

Where did you find the adapter? I've seen a couple that look like they'll work but then are off in some way. Most of the ones I have see are for refilling the green 1 pounders from a 20 point tank. A link would highly desired!


Where did you find the adapter? I've seen a couple that look like they'll work but then are off in some way. Most of the ones I have see are for refilling the green 1 pounders from a 20 point tank. A link would highly desired!

There are a couple different kinds.
Filling 1 pounders from a big tank -
Using said 1 pounders with a stove designed for the big tanks -

I have those two, both work great. The second is what you want.
Where did you find the adapter? I've seen a couple that look like they'll work but then are off in some way. Most of the ones I have see are for refilling the green 1 pounders from a 20 point tank. A link would highly desired!

Sorry I was off by a few bucks. Used today on the beach w the #1. All good. Also fits in my Pelican case or truckvault.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You should check out the 425C. All of the sides on this stove are flat, is a bit more compact, and packs nicer than the 425D and later models....the 425E's top has a bit of a rise to it, sides are stamped & indented, and it also has the bubble legs, all which makes its physical size bigger than the 425C. The 425C also has thicker gauge steel than the 425E and thus is more durable. Finally the 425C has a nice set of fold under legs that double as the lid lock. The 425C IMO is the best of all the 425/424 series:


This! I have this stove and love it. I even bought a propane generator so I can run white fuel or propane. Its from the 60's and still works like new.

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