Red pepper spray stopped bears’ undesirable behavior 92% of the time when used on brown bears,
90%for black bears, and 100%for polar bears. Of all persons carrying sprays, 98%were uninjured by bears in close-range encounters.
Statistics can be turned around to suit your preference. For instance, let's look at the statement above from a different perspective...
Red Pepper spray FAILED to stop bear's undesirable behavior a whopping 8% of the time when used on brown bears, and an incredible 10% of the time on black bears, and 0% on polar bears. Of all persons carrying sprays, a full 2% WERE INJURED by bears in close-range encounters.
Statistics can be a really bummer, can't they
Anyway, do you really want to risk being in the 2%?
I know it's a contentious issue, and I would absolutely hate to kill a bear in Alaska, but I refuse to be in the 2% category. Sorry that's just me.
As I mentioned in my first post, the most important thing is to keep a clean campsite.