As Scott said, he's put a good bit of time on the Stelvio we have in the temporary fleet. I've only ridden it a bit here and there, not much off-road and I do really love it as well. I'm always interested in the impressions observed by Scott in relationship to my own. He tends to gravitate towards bigger bikes whereas I tend to shy away from them the rougher the roads get. For me, I have to pair myself to a big bike with certain attributes that make maneuvering it feasible. The BMW 1200 Adventure as an example is positively ridiculous to me. SO big. But the non-adventure, like the Stelvio, have a certain balance and presence that while big, is manageable.
I have always been drawn to the Stelvio, even through the negative banter that seemed to befall it in it's early years. I do find it interesting that those same voices once chiding the Stelvio for a host of unfounded biases are now singing its praises. It hasn't changed. I think it's just becoming more popular to champion the once perceived unpopular choices.