Mrgalantguys 1998 Montero Winter package aka "Groot" Build & Adventure thread.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
Orange sticker was peeled off by the previous owner at some can see the left over sticky residue on the bezel cover. Definitely has a locker as the button and rear locker pump are there.
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Good deal, definitely one of the best color schemes on these vehicles. Remember when you're changing those leaking valve cover gaskets, that's the best time to replace the rear cam seals, spark plugs, wires, and intake plenum gasket (looks like you have some of those in the maintenance pic). Looking forward to seeing where this build goes.


Mitsubishi Loyalist

Yes..those seals and gaskets are in the pic above. I knew I forgot something...need to order the Plenum gaskets from Mitsu. Most of the other parts are coming from RockAuto which should all arrive this Friday.

My build is going to be mild...not looking to go extreme like some others here, maybe down the road I may. Looking to do some camping with my family and light/medium off trail expeditions in the near future. Also this will be a showcase of JDM parts for my fledgling business along with my other some pretty cool japan market parts and accessories will be on my Montero also.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
My ADD Kingpin upgrade arrived....along with other goodies! Thank you soo much guys! Look forward to more of your products on the Montero
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
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Mitsubishi Loyalist
Got a good amount accomplished this past weekend on the Montero. As part of the negotiation to get it at a much lower price..there was a ATF leak that developed during the purchasing process which actually delayed the purchase a good 2weeks. I was going to remove the transmission anyways to do the rear main it wasn't a big deal on my part, but used it as a negotiation tool to get the price lower.

Most of the remaining maintenance parts arrived from Rockauto.
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

Florida DMV couldn't go forward issuing the title to me because even though the dealer provided them with all the necessary paperwork..since it was out of state they needed it verified in Florida. Got local PD to come out and verify the VIN and fill out the form so I can provide that to the DMV. Took about 4 trys..because of O being inputed at 0 and 5 being inputed as S. :squint:
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

Preparing to remove the transmission.
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
20170527_125937 by grimgs, on Flickr
20170527_125927 by grimgs, on Flickr

Immediately when the torque converter was pulled off..the culprit was found. The front pump seal wasn't even seated, only thing that prevented it from coming out was the TC.
20170527_142149 by grimgs, on Flickr
20170527_142156 by grimgs, on Flickr
20170527_142204 by grimgs, on Flickr

Trans pulled out...going to replace all the input/output seals, clean it up, and replace the Tcase shifter for the White ball one.
20170527_143600 by grimgs, on Flickr

Ended the day on Saturday...went ahead and removed the mudflaps and side steps.
20170527_155929 by grimgs, on Flickr
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Getting right down to it, good work! Are you doing the front main seal also? I'm wondering if you would drop the front end out to get to it or pull the engine. Mine has been leaking for awhile, I really need to make some time for it.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
Yes sir...all front case seals will be replaced with OEM seals along with the rear seals.

Didn't have to pull anything off the motor, just remove the rear prop shaft to the rear diff and allows you enough room to back the transmission to clear the rear of the motor.
I mean the front main engine seal, behind the crank pulley. It's hard to tell but it looks like I might have to pull the oil pan to access the front seal, but looks like the pan can't come off with the pumpkin/axles where they are(?) I'm jealous that you have access to a lift.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
Not sure yet....once I get the transmission back on, that's when I will do the front engine service. I don't think you would have to pull the pan to replace the front main seal. Didn't have to do that on my 4WD sport...unless the 6G72 and 6G74 are vastly different.


Front crank seal is commonly changed when the timing belt etc. is done. No need to drop oil pan.


Please do yourself a favor and ditch the Stant thermostat you're planning to install - their quality is abysmal. OEM is the way to go with something that's so critical to the longevity and proper operation of your engine.

At very minimum, if you are dead set on using it, test it first by heating it up in a pan of water on the stove to make sure it opens properly and at the correct temperature. I once tested and returned 3 brand new Stant thermostats because they weren't opening correctly.


Expedition Leader
Please do yourself a favor and ditch the Stant thermostat you're planning to install - their quality is abysmal. OEM is the way to go with something that's so critical to the longevity and proper operation of your engine.

At very minimum, if you are dead set on using it, test it first by heating it up in a pan of water on the stove to make sure it opens properly and at the correct temperature. I once tested and returned 3 brand new Stant thermostats because they weren't opening correctly.

I second this. The Mitsu one is cheap.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
Good advice...I actually ordered a OEM thermostat 2 days ago along with the front pump seal, rear main seal, etc etc. That order should be ready next I don't plan no real progress on the Montero this weekend, and my sis in law had to have emergency C section yesterday morning as my new niece is 3 months early. I may have to be Mr Mom for the coming week as she is planning to fly up to N.C. this weekend.


Mitsubishi Loyalist
This past weekend nothing major was done to the Montero as I am still waiting on a lot of Mitsu parts to move forward and plus I had a few things going on with family also. I did remove the center console though to clean 19 years of crud and other junk that has accumulated even though overall the Montero was well taken care of...I don't the previous owner went deep into really cleaning some areas.

I wanted to do this because well:
1. This contributes to a musty smell of the interior
2. Its disgusting
3. I like to have a clean vehicle interior.

So here is the center console pieces...fairly well taken care of but in the nooks and crannies show definite signs of buildup over the years of ownership of crud accumulation and liquid spills through the years. Either the owner was a non smoker or if he/she was, she never smoked in the Montero. No hint of smell that a smoker was in the vehicle and the astray shows no signs cigerettes were ever in there.

Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

More crud
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

Now to remove the super select shifter boot there are 4 small metal locking plates...carefully pry them off and DO NOT damage the plastic posts, which help lock the base plate to secure the base of the boot to the console.
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

For the switches and buttons I used baby wipes to remove the crap around the bezels and then after that wiped them down with Lysol disinfectant wipes and finished them off with a microfiber wipedown. I used toothpicks to get into the small tight parts in the switches/buttons.
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

Before and After
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

I used a mixture of distilled vinegar with water (60/40 mix) and a old toothbrush to clean the center console as I didn't want to use any harsh chemicals and plus vinegar does a amazing job of breaking down all that grime almost instantaneously.
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr

For the shifter boot I just wiped it down with baby wipes and disinfectant wipes and it was good as new.
Groot by grimgs, on Flickr
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New member
I am going to follow this thread as it is current, starting a new thread for some suggestions as well....

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