Expedition Leader
I saw on an Oregon Field Guide (PBS) program than an older logging practice created a different problem in rivers. Using rivers to transport logs, tended to scour the river banks and bed, both by the passage of logs and by actions meant enhance the carrying capacity. In places obstructions were removed. In others they built splash dams to create pools, followed by bursts of high flow. A stream bed scoured down to bed rock isn't any better as a spawning ground than a gravel bed clogged with silt.
Fallen trees are beneficial to stream ecology. Large ones serve as a anchors that promote the development of pools, and a stair step stream flow.
There was another OFG segment on the reintroduction of beavers to the mountains of NC Oregon, aiming to slow down stream flow and erosion, and improving fish habitat.
another OFG segment on sediment in South coast Oregon steams. Here the sediment is gravel, but it's moving too fast through the system to be good salmon spawning ground. The researchers think it is coming from clearcuts and logging roads via class 2 streams (non-fish bearing). There are some good shots of road erosion. It also touches on the reluctance of loggers, and their regulators, to take any steps beyond those currently required by law to protect class 1 streams.
Fallen trees are beneficial to stream ecology. Large ones serve as a anchors that promote the development of pools, and a stair step stream flow.
There was another OFG segment on the reintroduction of beavers to the mountains of NC Oregon, aiming to slow down stream flow and erosion, and improving fish habitat.
another OFG segment on sediment in South coast Oregon steams. Here the sediment is gravel, but it's moving too fast through the system to be good salmon spawning ground. The researchers think it is coming from clearcuts and logging roads via class 2 streams (non-fish bearing). There are some good shots of road erosion. It also touches on the reluctance of loggers, and their regulators, to take any steps beyond those currently required by law to protect class 1 streams.
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