Depends on what you are plan on doing with it. Trail coms, repeater, shoot the ********? if trail coms you are probably going to be ok with it, but your handheld will do about the same, better if you have an external antenna (mag mount). Not that I would ever recommend their handheld for GMRS work, you would get the same with even a cobra hand held etc.
Most really GMRS operators, are going to hunt for old commercial radios etc. But if you are trying to compare a tuned radio that was setup properly to an out of the box turn key setup, you may be instore for disappointment or a surprise again depends on expectation and usage. As with most radio setups the antenna mounting and choice are more important then what is attached to it.
If you are shooting the ********/rag chewing GMRS often has a lot less chatter on it since it is more local comms, especially in certain areas. Other areas good luck on finding an open channel.
Personally, I dislike the MXT115. Lack of power, horrible programming the inability to do split tones. Split tones, a problem for most midland radios minus the new ones coming out (looking at you MXT5xx), some repeater owners will do different tones on input and output of the repeater. Why? To keep people off, most of the lower end easy to get GMRS radios can't do split tones.
I found that with the Anytone at6666 and a 10m ham stick tuned for upper 11m(cb) in SSB mode with small openings I was getting as far out to Michigan and Florida regularly. Almost annoying so, with everyone being slightly off frequency to be heard, the clarifier always got a work out. With it set to 10m SSB it was very quiet.
Really comparing apple to oranges in a sense. May want to check out