Enjoying watching the videos. Hope you keep them coming. My dog starting barking at the end
Enjoying watching the videos. Hope you keep them coming. My dog starting barking at the end
Thanks man! Yeah... I've got a few more that I'll be sharing soon. Tomorrow, if everything goes well, I'll be headed out to a rough stretch of trail that is the "public road" just passed a small town near me to get to the Pacific Coast. We'll see how it goes. I've heard that in the Winter, it's almost impassable. If I make out there tomorrow, I'll be recording the trip. If I don't make it tomorrow, I'll be trying to get out there in the next few weekends. I'll put up some pics and vid.
Glad your dogs like the vid too.
Btw, the other day, that Patrol that I had told you about came flying around me on the highway. I didn't have phone out to get a pic, but it's a maroon 99-04 (approx) factory exterior, slightly lifted, and probablly 33"s on it. Nice rig, but nothing to insane. If I can get a pic soon, I will.
First of all, you live in a beautiful area. And Chile looks way cleaner than Guatemala. It always saddens me to see so much trash and neglect in the communities I drive through when I'm up in the mountains. But that's a different kind of discussion. And sorry to hear about all the oil spilling. Again, we seem to be experiencing the same or similar problems with our rigs simultaneously. The Patrol was spitting oil and driving up the engine heat wayyyy up. I had the mechanic fix it last weekend (I honestly can't remember what he told me) and now it's running fine. Anyway, don't mean to bring the Patrol into this thread but just wanted to point out our similarities. Hope the Troops gets fixed and figured out soon!
I hear ya on the "third world" way of doing things. Even when I take the Patrol to a certified Toyota dealer (no Nissan dealers in Xela) they still find a creative way of doing things versus taking their time to get it right. But it just comes with the territory. It teaches us to be more creative back in negotiating price .... sorry about the bed! Hopefully there's no oil leakage!